Ch 46: Regret Scratches At Tear Filled Eyes

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It was late into the evening and the pub was packed full of witches, wizards, and muggles alike. So much so, that Owen and Morrigan could only share stolen glances with one another while they took orders and chatted with their customers. Both wore sheepish smiles the entire day, however neither had the time to discuss what their kiss truly meant. 

There were feelings present for each other, that much was obvious, but they hadn't defined what their relationship was. It brought a sense of anxiety over the two who couldn't steal a moment for themselves. Both wondering what the other truly wanted, if it meant that things would have to change, and if it would work in the long run. 

Everyone could see that Owen had been taken with the girl for quite some time, but maintained a respectful distance and a good friendship with her. Knowing that there was a chance to finally hold her after a long day of work made him feel elated, yet he also wondered if the world was being cruel by postponing a needed conversation and making the two wait in anticipation. 

If Morrigan had learned anything from her relationships, it's that she takes a while to fall for someone. She's almost always friends first, and usually remains friends by the end. But that kiss was like having someone drape a warm blanket over you while sipping a cup of coco. Electrifying and dizzying while also feeling utterly perfect. While she noted it was awkward having to wait to discuss it, she was grateful. If it's something she needed to get better at doing it was discussing her feelings from the start. 

She was so lost in her thoughts that when she placed down a few beers at a table, she didn't notice who was sat at it, "Morrigan!" they called. 

Her head turned looking back at the table, and she immediately felt guilty seeing Tonks and Kingsley sat at the table, "I'm so sorry my mind is completely elsewhere at the moment." 

Tonks looked at the girl concerned, "Are you alright? You've been rushing around this pub much more than usual."

"I'm alright Tonks, no need to worry," she said looking around the pub for where Owen was. Morrigan's pulled up a chair,"So what brings you two in?" 

"Dumbledore's with Harry at the moment, so we have the evening off," Tonks explained. 

Her brows furrowed, "Why would he be with Harry?" 

"Don't know," Tonks said with a shrug, "just collected him from Grimmauld and disappeared." Tonks inspected the girl further, "Are you sure you're alright." 

Morrigan caught sight of Owen and blushed even further causing Kingsley to erupt in laughter, "Oh she's alright Tonks, all of the stolen glances between her and MacDonald make a lot of sense now." 

Her jaw dropped as she looked at Kingsley, "How did- but-" 

"Please Hale, it's too obvious. Did you not understand what I was saying to you when I walked you back from the meeting the evening you broke Blacks nose?" 

Morrigan paused and relayed their conversation in her head, trying to figure out what he was alluding to, and then it struck her. What Kingsley, Mrs. Diggory, and many others were saying. She was oblivious to the love around her. She was oblivious to Owen. The man who stood back and waited for her, who helped her sort through her problems with her ex to make sure she was happy, the man who changed the dressings on her wounds, stayed with her as she fell asleep, and made her laugh everyday. "I'm an idiot," she said her voice breathy. 

Tonks looked between the two, "Am I missing something?" 

"Morrigan's only now realizing that MacDonald likes her in a romantic sense." 

"No, no, I knew that when we kissed today, I just didn't realize how much he liked me. How much he's done for me and all to make me happy," she said her smile happy even though her eyes were glassy.

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