Ch 90: The War Begins

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Morrigan held Sirius's hand tightly in her own, suddenly feeling the dread of the battle to come. The spells they had cast put up a barrier, but everyone knew that it would be a short lived solution. They could faintly hear Remus scolding Tonks for joining them, but the majority of their focus was maintained on the army that stood at the gates of Hogwarts. 

Acromantulas, Giants, Death Eaters, and Dementors. Each terrifying in their own way and eager to destroy the school and anyone who dared to stand in its defense. Sirius looked at Morrigan his heart thundering in his chest, "If you want to leave- it's not too late Morrigan. No one would blame you." 

"I can't," she said her eyes not moving from the darkness, "if I had the choice, if it wouldn't change anything then I would take you with me and we'd run away from it all. But if we don't stand and fight- if I don't stand and fight- who would end up dying for us? Would it change everything or nothing at all?" 

"Merlin Morrigan," interrupted Bill, "way to lighten the mood." 

Morrigan rolled her eyes finally looking away from the creatures, "Thanks Bill." She looked around for her friends keeping a count as to all who were present for the battle, "Where's Fred and George?" 

"Kingsley is having them defend the passageways that lead into the school. No one knows them better than Fred and George," Bill explained. 

"And Fleur?" 

"She's with McGonagall, headed towards Gryffindor Tower, I've been sent to collect you and Sirius." 

Sirius nodded a putting on a neutral expression, "Where do you need us?" 

"About that," Bill said shifting on his feet slightly, "it's been decided you two are going to split up-" 

"No," Sirius shook his head, "absolutely not, she needs to be here- by my side!" 

Bill nodded, "I understand but Fleur and I have been separated for the same reason, we're distractions, Morrigan would die for you and you would die for her. You two won't be focused on the battle in front of you. If you want to survive-" 

"I'm staying by her side-" 

"No," Morrigan interrupted, putting her hand gently on Sirius's shoulder, "it makes sense. I would be too busy looking at and worrying about you to protect myself. We're safer apart." 

"But Morrigan if anything happens-" 

"I'll be fine," she said her lips pressed into a soft smile, more for his reassurance than her own. 

"I'll be with her," Bill added, "I'll make sure she's alright." 

"Thank you," Sirius said appreciatively. "Where do they want me?" 

"Gryffindor Tower, you'll be fighting from a vantage point with McGonagall. Morrigan and I will be in the Astronomy tower with Sprout." 

Bill took his sentence as a goodbye, walking away from the couple before turning around slightly unsure as to why Morrigan wasn't following. Morrigan sensing his confusion gestured for him to go on, "I'll meet you there. Promise." Understanding that she wanted a moment alone with Sirius, Bill left. 

Sirius brought Morrigan into a tight embrace. She tucked her face into his chest savoring the moment they had together, trying her best not to think of it as their last. He looked down at her a sad smile on his lips and tears in his eyes, "I love you, and Bill's right I'd die for you Morrigan Hale." 


"Just- promise me you'll take care of yourself? No heroics this time Morrigan, please promise me that," Sirius said his voice desperate as his eyes searched her face for any hint of defiance. She showed none as she nodded in agreement. His hand dug around in his pocket and he pulled out the small necklace he gave her one christmas. "A while back you told me to give this to the girl I fall in love with- and it's you. It's always been you and it always will be you. I don't think I can ever love anyone else the way I love you and I know I fucked up, that I wasn't the man you needed in your life and truthfully I think it's because I wasn't a man. I was still the twenty year old guy who got locked up- I lost my life my time to mature and I let that corrupt what we had. But Godric you came into my life and made such sinful words sound so beautiful." 

He clasped the necklace around her neck, and wiped away a stray tear that was falling down her cheek, "I wanted to give this to you when I proposed- and I'm not doing it now, I want to, but it's not the time. I want to make every moment of your life full of joy, but if I die- I died knowing that you have this last piece of me with you." 

"Sirius I love you-" 

"What are you two doing making eyes at each other?!" Tonks yelled interrupting their moment. "You need to get in your positions!" 

Sirius pulled her into a rough and desperate kiss, yet it wasn't long enough. As they pulled away and ran to their positions they longed for another second together. Wondering if that would be the last kiss the two shared. 

Morrigan's ascent up the astronomy tower was full of fear, yet she felt a wave of comfort wash over her as she saw Bill, Pomona Sprout, and some of the younger Hufflepuffs. Morrigan smiled proudly upon seeing her fellow housemates standing up to fight. 

"Morrigan!" Hannah Abbott cheered, turning to her friend and patting his arm excitedly, "Ernie look it's Morrigan!" 

Ernie looked on in shock, "I thought you fled the country with a muggle! Or were murdered!" 

"No, still alive," Morrigan said with a shrug, "and here to help." 

Pomona looked at her former student her wrinkled features showing her amusement, "Here to help and I'm assuming to cause more trouble. The rumours I hear about you Morrigan Hale..." 

"And what rumours are those?" Morrigan asked innocently. 

"Well," Hannah began, "you were dating Sirius Black, and then a Muggle, and that you owned a pub, but now you're pregnant with Sirius Black's child from an affair, and that you ended up becoming a famous pop star." 

"Look at that Pom Pom, I became a famous pop star!" Morrigan said with a grin. "Well most of those rumours are somewhat true I suppose, but it wasn't an affair- and I'm not a pop star." 

Pomona Sprouts face dropped as she looked over Morrigan. Her voice came out breathily as if she couldn't believe the words she was speaking. "Helga fucking help us. You're pregnant." 

Morrigan nodded in confirmation, "Yeah." 

Bill snorted, "Can you imagine, Sirius Black and Morrigan Hales child. Merlin help whoever teaches it." 

Pomona shook her head, "I'm retiring before that happens. Mark my words." 

Morrigan feigned offense, but their lighthearted moment was interrupted by the protective barrier being broken. Morrigan sighed and nervously drummed her fingers against her thigh. Bill stood beside her, "We can do this Morrigan." 

Pomona picked up different pots which contained dangerous plants and set them around the edge of the tower a smirk dancing on her lips as she did so, "Good luck to those who get entangled with these." 

Morrigan raised her wand and looked at the younger Hufflepuffs beside her, "You two are brave." 

"Not brave," Hannah said with a sad smile, "but loyal. We're fighting with you to the end Morrigan." 


In Gryffindor Tower Sirius paced nervously waiting for the barrier to come down. He was accompanied by McGonagall, Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson. All of whom he had met once before, admittedly in much different circumstances. 

McGonagall was busy muttering under her breath while Oliver carefully eyed Sirius. He leaned towards his former quidditch team and whispered, "Do you think he really knocked her up?" 

"I can hear you," Sirius said looking at the boy with narrowed eyes. 

Olivers face went warm as he muttered a quick apology. McGonagall tutted at the group and watched as the barrier broke down. "It's time." She looked at Sirius with a sad expression, "She'll be fine Black." 

"I hope so." 

"She will be," Angelina said with certainty, "it takes more than a death eater to knock down Morrigan Hale. She's a legend amongst us all." 

Before Sirius could respond part of the tower was blasted in an explosion. The group raised their wands and cast a flurry of offensive and defensive spells. Each hoping to make it through the night and back to their loved ones. 

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