Chapter 14: Clear the Way

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Henry returned with Neal to stay overnight in the loft. "I bet you have a few beers among all those bottles of wine," Henry said. "Peter will give you a pass if you show up late at work. My plane doesn't leave till eleven tomorrow, and I'll sleep on board."

No need to be a mind reader to know what Henry wanted to talk about. The previous night he'd stayed with Peter and El. Blowfish was undoubtedly on the menu. But Neal was ready for any mind games Henry might pull. He'd formulated his approach as soon as Henry unmasked himself.

Henry didn't bother unpacking but grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of sleep pants to change into. Neal fetched him a beer from the supply he kept on hand for Peter and poured himself a glass of honey wine from an open bottle in the fridge.

Before sitting down, Henry searched through Neal's CDs. His selection? Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head.

Subtle, Henry, really subtle.

They both sprawled on the couch. Neal had a leisurely sip of wine and waited for Henry's opening gambit. When it came, his choice was unexpected.

"You remember the talk at Win-Win about a branch office in New York? It looks like it's finally going to happen. Thanks to the facial recognition software project, we're deepening our international resources. Allen Winston and I have already discussed the move. I'd head up the New York team."

"You'll be in charge? Congratulations!"

"I'm glad you're smiling about it. You're not concerned about me invading your turf?"

"Not at all. Do you want to join the band? We need a tambourinist what with Michael having moved on to tin whistle."

"Oh, I think I could start with something other than the tambourine."

"We'll see. We have rigorous tryouts, you know."

"Yeah, right," Henry scoffed. "I've heard Michael, remember?"

"Yeah, and you got to talk to him too. I heard about the picnic Angela organized for you. Did Michael get the Henry stamp of approval?"

Henry snorted. "He already has Angela's approval—mine is pending. But everything I've found out I like."

"Michael has a bright future, in case you're wondering. He's sailing through his doctorate work and has a real eye for contemporary art. I can see him running an art gallery or being a museum curator in a few years." Neal stood up to refill his glass. "If you're going to live in New York, you better get used to honey wine. You want me to get you a glass?"

"Wine over beer?" Henry let out a moan. "I'll have to convince Mozzie to go into the honey mead business, but until that happens I'm sticking with my hops." He took another swig to prove his point. "I can see why you like Fiona so much. I know I pushed you toward Sara, but—"

"You didn't have to push very hard. Sara and I will always be friends."

"Hey, let me finish. I'm in the moment here. Fiona has strengths too. She's a much better musician for one thing. She also has a higher opinion of me."

"Is that so?"

"Okay, maybe not. I guess you'll have to ask her about that, but it's obvious how much she cares about you. I can tell already you'd be very lucky to wind up with her."

"Don't I know it." He wished the same thing could be said for her. "Tell me more about Paris."

Henry described how Win-Win had completed negotiations with several investors who had been bilked by Adler's Ponzi scheme. The company now had the required financial backing to launch a full-scale investigation. Fowler's trip to Paris was the first lead they'd gotten. Henry would use the trip to consult with Win-Win's partner firm in France. He also had meetings scheduled with French security officials to begin testing the facial recognition software at Charles de Gaulle Airport. Listening to Henry ramble on about his plans, Neal toed off his shoes and put his feet on the cocktail table. Mozzie's wine appeared to be having its intended effect.

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