Chapter 15: How You Like Me Now?

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After leaving Keller, Neal headed to Mozzie's bunker in the basement of the Aloha Emporium. The discussion with Keller left no doubt he'd made the right decision.

Mozzie was waiting for him inside.

"Do you have the gun?" Neal asked.

"Yes, but I still have my doubts." Mozzie pulled out a small leather box from a drawer in his desk. "The blowfish toxin was a more elegant solution."

Neal opened the box and took out the antique Remington pocket pistol. Mozzie had found the perfect weapon. Pearl handle, nickel plating—the sides were engraved with a floral scroll. Say it with flowers, he thought, appreciating the irony. Neal weighed the pistol in his hand. It had a good feel.

"I had the Mole test it. It aims true," Mozzie said. "There are two boxes of ammo—the gray box contains blanks and the red box, live bullets—just as you requested."

Neal traced the barrel with his finger. "Thanks. It's a beautiful piece of workmanship."

Mozzie sat down opposite him and folded his arms on the worktable. "You're determined to go through with it?"

Neal nodded. "I have to stop Keller before he hurts anyone else."

Mozzie tapped the ammo boxes. "Does the suit know what you're planning?"

"He knows the vision." Neal hadn't decided how he'd handle that sensitive subject. The toxin had been enough of a debacle. He sidetracked Mozzie in a different direction by telling him about Henry's discovery.

"So Keller visited Adler ..." Mozzie sat back, musing over the implications.

"Not necessarily," Neal pointed out. "He could have gone to Argentina on an unrelated matter."

"Not likely, but possible," he acknowledged. "Still, invincibility lies in the defense of all eventualities."

"Sun Tzu?"

"Who else?" Mozzie retrieved a Star Trek chessboard from the bookcase. He placed it on the table and began pulling out the Vulcan and Klingon chess pieces. "Let's review what we're dealing with. Adler's the Vulcan king. Kate, if she's still alive, is the Vulcan queen. Fowler's his rook. Who's Keller?"

"The knight." Neal reached into the box and placed a Klingon knight on the chessboard. "That's me. Peter's the king."

"I'm the bishop," Mozzie said. "I've always wanted to be a bishop."

"And for the Klingon queen, we have four to protect—Fiona, Angela, June, and El. Do you have extra queens?"

"Use the pawns for now. I'll get more later. What are the possible moves for the Vulcan knight? How's the king using him?

Neal studied the chessboard. "Keller's used the same rendezvous spot as Adler—the bar at Grand Central. That's the only definite link. Adler could be Keller's buyer of the Egyptian artifacts."

"Or Adler may think that Keller can convince you to work with him again. He hopes to manipulate you by having Keller act as his agent."

Neal nodded, picking up the Klingon rook. "Then there's the Braque painting. How does that fit into the game?" He placed the rook on the board. "Chantal brought it up. Gordon Taylor asked about it. Keller believes I have it. Fowler may be in Paris. Is Adler the buyer?" Neal looked at the board, shaking his head, and with a sudden impetuous gesture, swept the metal pieces onto the floor.

"Was that necessary?" Mozzie complained, picking up the chess pieces. "Remind me to use plastic next time."

"Sorry," Neal said ruefully, shaking his hand. Those pieces were unexpectedly heavy. "It was a stupid move." He drew a deep breath to calm his nerves. "I don't like games where I have to defend four queens."

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