Chapter 12: Slip Slidin' Away

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Federal Building. Friday, February 25, 2005.

"Did I enter The Twilight Zone?" When Neal arrived back at the office from lunch, he discovered Sara had already arrived and was standing with Peter in the bullpen. He made a show of studying his watch. "Who is this woman, and what have you done with Sara?"

"Don't worry. I'll probably never be early again, although it could be worth it for the shock value alone," she said with a laugh. "I had an appointment canceled on me at the last moment. Since I was in your area, I decided to take the chance you'd be free."

"How much longer will you be in New York?" Peter asked as they walked upstairs to the conference room.

"One more week and then my work will be done. We're grateful that Weatherby's is not canceling its policy with us."

Neal held the door open for her. "I'm sure your bosses appreciate your negotiating skills."

"I hope not too much. I'm eager to get back to fieldwork." Her face grew serious as she took a seat at the conference room table. "I assume you've heard about the arrest of the Sterling-Bosch investigator."

Peter nodded. "What did you find out?"

"That he was working for a group called Ydrus. You probably know who they are, but it was a new group to me. An Interpol bulletin was circulated among all the employees. The man admitted he paid off the authenticator of the Corot forgery at their request." Sara shook her head as she paused for a moment. "It's shocking that Ydrus was able to infiltrate our organization without raising any flags. I'm glad he was discovered before further damage was done."

She'd be even more shocked if she knew she'd been under suspicion, Neal thought.

"Where does the case stand with the real estate developer who tried to pass off the forgery?"

"He goes on trial next month," Peter replied. "He still refuses to admit to anything regarding Ydrus. With the attempted murder charges hanging over him, the fact that he's not attempting to plea bargain is revealing."

"We suspect an arrangement with Ydrus, where they may have guaranteed his family's well-being in exchange for his silence," Neal added.

Peter nodded. "Or that he's simply too afraid of what they'll do to him or his family if he makes any revelations."

Sara turned to face Neal, a smile quirking her lips. "I hear James Bond and Tiffany Case are going on a date."

Neal grinned back. "You up for it, Tiffany?"

"Could be fun. I spoke with Fiona about it this morning and she thought it'd be a great way to distract Keller. When she learned the Italian temptress was no longer around, she agreed you needed a substitute. Apparently, she trusts me much more."

"But I don't intend to replace one problem with another," Neal cautioned. "We shouldn't overplay it or Keller will think you're my vulnerability and he'll target you instead."

"I'd like to see him try," she scoffed. "After two weeks of meetings, I wouldn't mind giving my baton a workout."

* * * * *

Neal didn't linger after Sara departed. Peter was giving him a pass to work on his paintings and he jumped on it. Last night he'd painted like one possessed. What would he think of the results? If he didn't like them, would he have to start over?

When Travis had first suggested he enter the competition, Neal convinced himself he didn't expect to win anything. He wasn't a sci-fi geek. He was entering simply to keep Richard and Aidan company. That delusion was long past. This was his first art competition since high school and, no matter that the supposed goal was to solicit intel about Azathoth, this was his art that was being presented. He didn't care about the prize. He wasn't looking for an internship like Richard. But making a poor showing was not an option.

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