Chapter 16: Diplomacy

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Metropolitan Museum of Art. Tuesday, March 1, 2005.

He knew it was too good to be true.

As he ran to the service entrance, Peter berated himself for not having escorted the gurney to the ambulance. His pounding footsteps echoed loudly on the stone floor, reinforcing the drumbeat in his head. Henry had called to warn him that Keller had been in Argentina. Neal said he was worried about a double-cross. Adler had to be behind it. Hadn't Peter said that all roads led to Adler? Why hadn't he stuck to Neal like glue? Was he already on his way to Argentina?

When Peter exited the museum, he saw two squad cars at the entrance with an ambulance rolling to a halt beside them. Christie was crouched beside one of the medics. The other medic was talking to an NYPD detective.

Diana darted forward to meet him. "I just spoke with Christie. She said they wheeled Neal up to the ambulance, not suspecting anything was wrong. When they opened the back door, two armed gunmen were waiting for them with semi-automatics. They ordered the medics to wheel Neal inside and then forced the medics and Christie into the van parked alongside. One of the medics resisted their orders and was shot. The rest were tied up—an NYPD detective discovered them."

Peter quickly surveyed the scene. "The gunmen could have been hiding behind the vehicles when the ambulance initially pulled up. Was Christie injured?"

Diana shook her head. "No, she knew better than to resist. NYPD's in pursuit and choppers should be in the air any moment now. Badillo is feeding them the GPS coordinates from Neal's watch. They can't get far."

"You're riding with me." Peter's car was parked near the service entrance and within minutes they'd joined in the chase. The ambulance had a substantial lead. Even at the breakneck speed Peter was driving, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

Diana called out updates every few seconds. "A chopper is tailing it ... The ambulance is on Harlem River Drive and 130th Street." She glanced over at Peter. "You think this was Adler's work, don't you?"

Peter nodded. "We know he tried to recruit Neal last spring. That frame attempt by Fowler was most likely an attempt to get him to quit the FBI and join them. Keller was in Argentina. He may have made a bargain to not only steal the mirror but deliver Neal as well."

"What about Azathoth?" She clutched the armrest as Peter swerved sharply onto the expressway.

"Not his pattern."

"But it's possible," she persisted.

Diana was right. Had the movie scam been a warning? That short story had been about a church. Was Neal being taken to a church? There were thousands of churches in Manhattan.

"They got 'em!" Diana exclaimed. "Take the exit at 155th Street."

When Peter screeched to a halt on a side street off the expressway, the ambulance was already surrounded by several squad cars and an additional ambulance. Reinforcements were pouring in, all under the glare of chopper searchlights. Peter ran over to the hijacked ambulance while Diana checked in with the police.

Neal was still lying strapped to the gurney. His eyes were open but unfocused. His face had started to regain a little color.

"How is he?" Peter demanded of the medic who was working on him.

"Vitals are good," she reported. "Looks like he was given a sedative. We've already been in contact with Dr. Vintner. She explained about the medication in his system."

Neal blinked at Peter, squinting as if to focus. "That you, Butch?" His voice was rough and slurred, but he managed a weak smile.

Peter leaned closer and grasped his forearm. "You better believe it, Sundance. What do you think you were doing, riding off without me?"

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