Chapter two

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Madeline hearing all about how the previous coach, Coach Yoast was appearently "cheated" out of his job by a person of the opposite race made her sick to her stomach. She hated how people judged people based on the color of their skin.

Madeline was currently making her way to the coaches office, planning out on what to say to him when she does get there.

Taking a deep breathe, she made her way inside the office.

Coach Boone hearing footsteps coming towards him he looked up from his work to see a girl with a camera around her neck and a polite smile on her lips. Him being confused, he decided to start the conversation.

"Hello, who might you be?"

"Hello, I'm Madeline Smith, me and my father had moved here recently." She answered while sticking her hand out

Taken by suprised by this action, knowing that this wasnt a normal occurence around here, he returned the gesture shaking her hand firmly.

"Coach Boone, what can I do for you young lady?"

"Right, well when I heard that the schools were integrating, me and my dad couldnt have been more happy, where i'm from thankfully skin isn't a problem. My dad also thought this was a good chance for me to get more out there with more work, I would like to be the team photographer." Madeline voiced

Coach Boone hesitated, not because he actually really had to think about it but taking in all of the words that she had said. Knowing this young girl already had the attitude that everyone needed to hear, he replied.

"You think you up for it? becuase you aint just gonna be sittin' on the sidelines, you gonna be trainin' out on the field with the boys." He paused waiting to see how she'd respond. She didnt say anything, she just nodded to make sure he knew she understood. Seeing this as a sign to continue. " I need to make sure you can keep up with the boys so you can get good shots of em' on the field." he finished.

"I can keep up, trust me." Madeline didnt talk about this much but she did have a brother. He had died a few years ago, but when he was alive he had forced Madline to play with him for his "practice". She whined about it when he asked her but really she was estatic when he asked her. She loved hanging out with her brother and just being around him, she was glad with how much time they speant together before he had died.

"Well Madeline Smith, you are now the teams officle photographer." Coach Boone announced.

When the words came out of his mouth all Madeline could do was smile widely.

"Thank you so much, i'll make sure to do my absoulte best. I wont let you down." She beamed towards the now happy coach. Madeline was practically glowing, she walked out of the office with her head held high, with a smile still planted onto her lips.

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Sorry this is such a short chapter but i promise the next one will be MUCh longer. Like i said before if you have any suggestions comment them, i love hearing ideas that could improve my work.

Infatuated // Alan BosleyWhere stories live. Discover now