Chapter one

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A father and a daughter, driving down the roads of Virginia, the daughter making wave movements out the passenger side window with her hands with the wind blowing against her skin.

"Daddy are we close?" The daughter asked while moving her hand back inside the car, picking up her camera from her lap.

"Doll how many times are you gonna ask that?"

"I don't know, maybe until we get there." She replied with a grin, turning her attention back to window with her camera up to her eye, taking pictures of Virginia.

Madeline Smith and her father Richard Smith were on their way to Alexandria, Virginia.

Madeline sat in the passenger seat with her camera in her hands while looking out of the passenger side window, admiring the scenery around her, the breeze hitting her face and making her hair flow behind her. Madeline had dark brown hair that sat on her shoulders, striking green eyes that were so gentle and hopeful, plump pink tinted lips that fit her so well, and a nose with a cute slope to top it off. it was undeniable that she was attractive, back home she was the girl every boy went after, her being such a sweet girl you'd be surprised to hear she had turned down every boy who would shoot his shot with her.


"Mhm" She responded to her father, not fully playing attention to him. He glanced at her then quickly turned his attention back to the road.

"You know it's not gonna be the same as California, right?" Richard was honestly worried for his daughter, she had to be the most sweetest girl he had ever met, let alone raised. She had never had a problem with someone's skin, skin also not being a big problem back in California as well.

This caught her attention. She turned her gaze towards her father with a frown. Madeline had got all her looks from her father besides the lips and eyes, she had gotten those traits from her mother that was currently out of the picture. Richards hair was slightly pushed back but his middle part was still noticeable, dark brown eyes that looked like they had gold embers mixed into then, his lips were thin with a light pink tint.

"Yeah i know..." She responded quietly.
She knew the problems going on in Alexandria, she also knew her father was scared considering this wasn't a problem back home. They were integrating the schools which meant, black and white kids were going to the same school. She could only imagine how bad things are over there at the moment.

Seeing the glum look on his daughters face Richard decided to change the subject to something he knew would lift her mood.

"So you gonna see if they need a photographer for the new football team?" Hearing this, a slight smile spread across her face.

"Yeah, I sure hope they need one." She breathed out, leaning her head back onto her seat closing her eyes.

While Madeline was trying to relax, but ending up falling asleep. Richard was worried, hoping his daughter would do good here.


They had finally gotten to their new home. Richard turning to his side to look at Madeline, ready to shake her awake.

"Doll were here." He announced to now a barley awake Madeline

"Took long enough." She yawned while stretching her arms above her head

"You were asleep for the rest of the time!" Richard laughed at his messy haired daughter.

Madeline didn't respond, she just smiled and climbed out of the car to check out the house. It was a big light blue house that was two stories, with a big porch and big windows. Madeline made her way to the U-Haul that was parked in front of her house when she caught sight of a boy running across the street, towards her. He made is way to her and stuck out his hand.

"Gerry Berteir, I live across the street with my mother." He said politely.

"Madeline Smith, most people call me Doll and Mads but you can call me whatever." She said while taking his hand.

"So Doll, where you from?" Gerry asked while walking with her towards the U-Haul

"Well Mr. Berteir i'm from California, my dad got a new job here." Madeline explained while climbing into the truck to get some of her boxes.

"So i'm guessing you're going to be attending T.C Williams right?"

"Well, yeah." She replied shortly, mostly focusing on trying to carry two boxes.

"Do you need help?" He questioned, he knew he was going to help her even if she said no.

"Would you? That'd be great." She replied.

He took one of the boxes she had out of her hands and carried it off the truck while lending one hand to Madeline to help her off.

"Huh, what a gentleman." She teased with a smile on her lips

Gerry smiled back at her amused but didn't reply, what caught his eye was the fact that her eyes held so much happiness in them, just from their small interaction he already knew Madeline would be like a little sister to him and would do anything to protect her.

They started walking up to the house when Richard walked over.

"Hello, Richard Smith. I've seen you've already met my daughter." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Gerry Berteir, nice to meet you and yeah she's pretty great from what I can tell so far." Gerry responded, unable to stick out his hand because he was holding a box.

"Must be if she's already got you carrying her things." Richard joked.

"He offered dad." Madeline said while rolling her eyes but couldn't hide the smile on her face. She was happy, she had already met someone she knew she'd become good friends with and her dad seemed happy about this too, he seemed less worried.

"Okay well Gerry it was nice to meet you son."

"You too, Sir"

"Please, call me Richard." Richard said while walking off into the house.

"Well C'mon let's get these boxes inside." Madeline urged while taking Gerrys arm and pulling him into the house.

1081 words

Okay so i hope you liked this💕. I wanted to write one about Alan Bosley because there isn't much of them on here.
Let me know if i made any mistakes or if you want me to add anything, i'm open to suggestions.

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