Chapter seven

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"So what are you gonna do after you graduate?" Rev asked sitting across from Madeline.

"If i'm going to be honest, I have no idea.". Madeline looked over to Rev to see him with raised eyebrows, he leaned forward as if he was asking her to continue. "When I was little, I always wanted to be a teacher, I had no idea why but I just wanted to be one. Then I grew up and thought maybe I could do something with photography, but now, I don't have a clue."

"I used to want to be an astronaut." Rev suddenly said with a grin. To this Madeline chuckled.

"Well, what happened?"

"I grew up, realized that's probably not the most realistic job." Rev answered, looking down at his hands.

"Well, how do you think your futures gonna go?"

"Definitely go to collage, become a pastor, get married, and have kids." He answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I wish it were that easy." Madeline sighed, leaning back onto the bed, her elbows propping her up while her head hung back.

"What do you mean?" Rev asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You make it sound so simple, like there isn't goin' to be some problems mixed into the life you just played out." She said, bringing her head up to look at him. Rev was silent, absorbing the words she had just spoken. She was right, but people do think things are that easy, thinking life after school is just getting a job, getting married, and having children.

"But, if life were that simple it'd probably get boring." Madeline said, snapping Rev out of his train of thought.

"I mean, I guess you're right" Rev playfully dragged out the "I guess" while rolling his eyes and smiling, showing his pearly white teeth. Madeline leaned over and lightly smacked him in the shoulder while trying not to laugh.

"Ow!" He cried, while holding onto his shoulder faking pain.

"C'mon, you're walking me back to my room." Madeline said while rolling of the bed and heading to the door with Rev right behind her.

"Yes, ma'am." Madeline let out a huff to cover up the laugh that was about to come out.

On the way to her room, they both heard terrible country music coming from one of the rooms. Looking at eachother with amused expressions they made their way to the room. The door had been slightly cracked open, peeking through it they saw Blue sitting on the bed with his hands rubbing against his temples and on the other side of the room Alan trying to dance to the song, it looked more like him jumping up and down, slightly stomping his feet while slightly bobbing his head upwards.

"Huh? Yes! This one. I don't even have to ask, but I will. What do you think of this one?" Alan beamed, while still swaying to the music.

"Does the term "cruel and unusual punishment" mean anything to you?" Blue raised his voice, looking like he just went through hours listening to country songs.
On the other side of the door, there was Madeline who was hysterical, having to lean on Rev who was also laughing but most of his attention was put on trying to not let Madeline fall. The boys in the room heard laughing coming from outside the door. Both shared confused looks with each other before Alan made his way over and opened it all the way to reveal Madeline and Rev. Startled by this action Rev lost his grip on Madeline which put the domino effect into place. Both of them toppled over into Alan, who fell onto Blue, who which then fell onto the ground. All of them groaning on the ground, not ready to get up just yet.

"Would you all get off of me!" Blue shouted from the bottom of the pile of people. Madeline finally look up to see who she had end on top of, and of coarse it was Alan. Alan who had already been staring at her felt is face burning up.

"Hi." Alan awkwardly said.

Madeline tried to quickly get off of him but unfortunately, Rev was still on the ground trying to gather himself, his feet practically tangled with Madelines. Madeline ended up tripping over Rev's foot and landed right back on top of Alan.

"Hi, again."


Madeline had managed to avoid Alan after practically laying on top of him for what felt like forever. Sheryl said Madeline had been overreacting and that it wasn't that embarrassing, Madeline could tell Sheryl was lying.

Walking towards the phone she saw all the boys lined up in single file, waiting to use the phone. She started Walking up to the front of the line where Blue was, avoiding eye contact with Alan while walking by him. She stopped in front of Blue and he gave her an annoyed look pretty much telling her 'I've been waiting her forever, you are not about to cut me'. She then started to pout, it only took a few seconds for him to give in.

"Fine." he grumbled, muttering a few things under his breath that she couldn't quite hear over all the boys complaining.

"Why are all the boys being whiny?"

"Because Berteir over here is taking ages on the phone." Blue Answered while gesturing his hand lazily towards Gerry, letting it slap back down against his leg. All Madeline did was nod in response.

Blue getting very impatient with how long it's taking Gerry to use the phone finally says something.

"Would you hurry up and get off the phone? I got to call my girl, too, man."

Madeline started covering her mouth, making sure she didn't chuckle, finding it amusing how impatient all the boys were getting.

"Oh, oh, don't do this right now." Gerry said

"Hey, man, what is this Wild Kingdom?" Petey said stepping up.

"Shut up, y'all!" Gerry turned around and yelled, getting frustrated with all the boys starting to say stuff.

"Mating habits of the mountain gorillas? We all gotta use the phone." Petey once again, saying something.

Gerry looked back to the group and sighed, looking hesitant about saying something.

"I love you, sugar."

All that could be heard were 'oohs' and Petey mocking Gerry in a high pitched voice.

"I love you, sugar!"

1060 words

kinda boring chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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