Chapter four

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"Daddy, come on. I want you to meet the coaches."

"Okay Honey, take it easy." Richard smiled.

Madeline was beyond excited. She latched onto her fathers hand and pulled him towards the coaches. Before they got to them Madeline suddenly stopped with a panicked expression on her face.

"Daddy how do I look." Madeline said while giving a little twirl. She was wearing a navy blue dress that stopped right above her knees with black heels with her hair in lose curls. He chuckled at his daughter. Hearing this Madeline gave him a stern look.

"Madeline, you look beautiful. Now come on, I want to meet the coaches."

With that they walked the rest of the way to Coach Boone, who stood with both Coach Yoast and Coach Tyrell. Coach Yoast saw Madeline and Richard coming towards them and casted a questioning look their way. Coach Boone seeing this turned around to where he saw Madeline walking to them which made him smile slightly.

"Ah you must be Coach Boone, I'm Richard Smith, Madelines Father. It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted while sticking out his hand.

"Pleased to meet you as well, this is assistant Coach Yoast and Coach Tyrell." Coach Boone responded while shaking his hand firmly. "Coaches, this is Madeline Smith the team photographer." He said while gesturing his hand in Madelines direction.

Madeline gave a sweet smile while putting out her hand in Coach Yoast direction first. "It's nice to meet you both.". Coach Yoast returned the gesture, same with Coach Tyrell, both replying "You too.".

"Okay well bye honey, see you in two weeks."
Richard said while hugging his daughter and giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. Madeline staring at him, watching him walk off into the car until she saw a group of boys. Deciding that she was going to be spending two weeks with these boys she might as well get a start on getting to know them.

Madeline Made her way over to the group of boys, they didn't even notice until the clicking of her heels was starting to become clearer. They all looked up to see her in front of them with a warm smile.

"And who might we have here? What is such a pretty lady doin' here?" Petey said making all of the others laugh.

Madeline knew he was messing around so she decided that'd it'd be funny to have a little fun too, considering she'd be there the same amount of time as them.

"Honestly flattered really, but wasn't I introduced already? Are you trying to flirt with me? Because i'm pretty sure acting like you forgot a girl isn't a great way to start." She teased with a playful smile. Smiling even bigger when all of his started laughing, causing him to go red.

"Oh she got you good Petey." A boy said while chuckling, Madeline was almost sure his name was Blue considering Coach Boone had her memorize their names but since she hadn't met any of them it was more difficult.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Petey replied while cracking a smile as well.

"Well, just in case any of you forgot me i'm Madeline Smi-." She started saying but was cut off by Coach Boones loud voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I got an announcement to make. We got Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin going to camp with us here this year. Jerry tells the jokes, Dean sings the songs and gets the girl. Let's give them a round of applause." Coach Boone was the only one clapping while everyone just silently stood in the same spot where they had first started watching the scene play out. Coach Boone then turned to Gerry with a lowered voice. After a about a minute of them talking Gerry walked away looking mad and embarrassed and Ray was about to walk after him until Coach stopped him.

Infatuated // Alan BosleyWhere stories live. Discover now