Chapter three

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Coach Boone had told Madeline when the first team meeting was and Madeline was getting ready to head out of the door before her father stopped her.

"Madeline." Richard had always pushed his daughter to do what she loved, and he was glad that she put so much into photography. He had stopped her because she looked like she was going to barf. "Honey, keep your head up high and don't let no one mess with you. Got it?" Madeline smiled and nodded in response. She walked out the door and was on her way towards the school.


Madeline walked next to Coach Boone and Coach Hinds into the gym, as she expected only boys with a different colored skin showed up. Madeline wanted to react but realized how unprofessional it was, she just kept a straight face.

The boys were laughing, standing on the bleachers joking around with each other when Coach Boone blew his whistle. Boys quickly started getting down from the bleachers to stand next to their other friends while whispering to each other. One boy had put his hand up and Coach Boone started striding towards the boy that had a goofy smile on his face.

"Put your hand down."  Coach Boone demanded. Immediately he pulled his hand down.

"You're smiling." Coach Boone asked.

"Yes." The boy answered with a smile still on his face.

"Yes, sir" Coach Boone corrected.

"Yes, sir." The boy quietly corrected himself, barley being able to hear him under Coach Boones booming voice.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"Cause I love football. Footballs fun." The boy replied honestly.

"Fun, sir." Coach corrected him, again.

"Fun, sir." The boy again, corrected himself, still barley being able to hear his voice because of Coach Boones overlapping his.

"It's fun?"


"You sure?"

"I think—"

"Now you're thinkin'. First you smile, then
you thinkin'." Coach Boone said, getting louder. He didn't wait for a response.

"You think football is still fun?"

"Uh yes." The boy said happily, confident in his answer.

"Sir." Coach corrected once again.

"Yes-no, sir." Madeline could see all the boys confidence deflate.

"No?" The boy started to fumble with his words

"It was fun."

"Not anymore, though, is it?"

"No not right now."

"No it's not fun anymore. Not even a little bit."

"Uh... no."

"Make up your mind. Think since you're thinking."

Coach Boone said while the boy started repeatedly saying no while shaking his head
"Now go on, think. Is it fun?"

"No, sir."


"Absolutely not?"

"Zero fun, sir." He said while looking forward. Once Coach Boone had started moving forward away from him, he let out a breathe that looked like he had been holding in through out that whole conversation.

"All right, listen up. I'm Coach Boone. I'm gonna tell you all about how much." Coach stopped to look at the boy he had just talked "fun, you're gonna have this season." Coach teased the boy who already looked like he was way to nervous to talk to coach again.

"We leave for camp, Gettysburg College, August  15th, 7:29 A.M. If you report at 7:30, you will not be playing football this season, you will be watching. You will wear a jacket, shirt, and tie. If you don't have one, buy one. Can't afford one, borrow one from your old man. If you don't have an old man, then find a drunk and trade him for his. 'Cause I can guarantee you there isn't a bum on the street that looks as raggedy and ridiculous as what i'm looking at right now. This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law. If you survive camp, you will be on the team." Coach Boone paused for a second to look at the group of boys standing before him.
"If you survive. Check 'em in, Coach."

"Checkin' 'em in. I'm Coach Hinds, your offensive line coach, here standing next to me is Madeline Smith, the team's photographer." Madeline looked at the group of boys and gave a small smile.

"Yell out your name and position starting from the right." He continued while pointing at the boy who looked like he could barley breathe earlier.

"Petey Jones, running back. The running back, y'all." He said with a cocky grin. Protest came from the others on the team while some were jokingly pushing his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jerry Harris, quarterback." Everyone started raising their hands in the air, some slightly jumping up and down saying "Hallelujah!" and "Rev!".

Madeline was confused as why they were calling him Rev. Just as if Coach Hinds was reading her mind.

"Rev?" He questioned.

"It's just a nickname." He answered. Just then a boy came running into the gym and stood next to Rev. To everyone's surprise, he was white.

"And who in the name of heavens might you be?" Coach Hinds asked.

"Louie Lastik, offensive lineman." The boy answered while all the others started looking him up and down, Madeline assumed it was because of his weight, considering he was bigger than all the other boys.

"Naval family, just moved here from Bayonne. Someone said football, so I come runnin'. What's goin' on, everybody?" Everybody just stared at him in complete silence. Madeline wanted to say something but that would mean everyone's attention would then be on her.

Just then the door opens, walking in was Coach Yoast and his team trailing behind him. Madeline wasn't paying attention to the boys until a familiar face caught her eye. Gerry.

They walked over to the other group of boys and stood opposite to them. That's when Gerry caught Madelines eye. All Gerry could think was why and how was Madeline here.

Madeline was just disappointed. She knew most people in this town were racist and rude to anyone that didn't have the same skin tone but she didn't think Gerry would be one of those people, she thought Gerry was one of the sweetest people she had met but now seeing him opposite to her, she didn't know what to think.

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This chapter wasn't very good BUT next chapter Madeline will meet Alan AHHHH.

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