[31; confusion and bitterness]

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"Hi," you breathed out. "Table for 'Kana'? I'm supposed to be meeting a group of people here."

The hostess smiled back at you, nodding her head. "The first few guests have already checked in. I'll take you to your table. Right this way, miss."

You managed a small smile of your own as you followed closely behind her. As you waded through the restaurant, your eyes flitted around the room. It was a pretty nice place, admittedly. Not so elegant that you felt under-dressed, but it had a sort of casual-chic vibe going on.

The hostess leading you attempted to engage in some small-talk, but you were too busy scanning your environment. You realized you were a bit nervous, to meet up with these people that you hadn't spoken to in months, and with whom you'd never really been very close to begin with.

"Here you are," the girl smiled, gesturing to a sectioned-off portion of the corridor. You peered around the corner, spying a completely separate room. Probably where they usually seated these large groups.

"Thanks," you mumbled back, fiddling awkwardly with the sleeve of your shirt. You inhaled sharply, mentally preparing yourself for the last time. Finally, you turned the bend and made your way inside.

"Ah—! You made it!!"

From across the room, one of the girls had spotted you and stood up almost immediately. She was smiling brightly as she made her way over towards you, her brown hair fastened in a high-ponytail. It actually took a while for you to recognize her—she was wearing such heavy makeup that she almost didn't look like herself.

"You're early!" Kana gushed, wrapping you in a big hug. "I wasn't expecting you to show until way later, especially since my text was so last-minute."

"It's not a big deal," you smiled, hugging her back. "I didn't have much going on today."

"Well, that's awesome!" She linked her arm with your own, pivoting to face the group of people clustered around the table. "Look, guys—[Name]'s here! Try not to fight over her too much, boys. I know she's pretty and all, but you'll have to share, okay?"

You blushed deeply, suddenly wary of all the eyes on you. There was a decent amount of people already, but still some empty spots at the table. The rest would probably be trickling in a bit later.

"Hello," you greeted, timidly waving your hand. "I'm [Name]. It's nice to meet you guys. Well, I already know some of you—" The familiar middle-school faces grinned, "But it's nice to be here, in any case. Thanks for having me."

You noticed some of the guys elbowing one and another and grinning shrewdly. The flush on your cheeks was only becoming more and more pronounced.

Geez, why did Kana have to introduce me like that..?

"Oh, I know you!" one of the strangers cried out. "I saw you in the Sports Festival! You're a U.A kid, huh?"

You nodded hurriedly, but Kana had already begun tugging on your arm and leading you to the table. "C'mon guys," she frowned, "Give her a minute to settle in. You can start hitting on her later." She leaned in to whisper in your ear. "I'm gonna sit you right next to Haru, alright? He's basically the hottest guy here, so you're welcome."

You opened your lips to protest, but you were already being shoved down into your seat. Kana grinned over your shoulder before circling around the table and taking the seat across from yours. You heard a low chuckle from beside you.

"She can be pretty stubborn, huh?"

The boy who'd called out to you was sitting just to your left. You realized almost immediately that he was Haru—and Kana hadn't been kidding about the fact that he was attractive. With his jet-black hair that fell loosely just past his ears, and striking blue eyes, he definitely fit the mold for 'conventionally' handsome. He had a defined jawline, and two metallic piercings on his right ear. His lips were curled into a wry smile.

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