[7; a glimpse into his mind]

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"...I wish I'd skipped school today."

Truly, it was the only thing you could think of in your current situation, since you would really rather be anywhere else. You were doing your best to make yourself scarce, sending out small attacks ever so often when a villain lunged your way. If nothing else, you were at least thankful for the fact that your allies seemed more physically capable than you were.


Katsuki had let out his trademark cry, revving up his fist before releasing an explosion that blew two villains backwards and forced them up against a wall. Kirishima wasn't very far off, having hardened his body through usage of his Quirk and proceeded to mow them down by brute force. You'd managed to get a few hits in yourself, but you realized that you probably weren't contributing much in the first place.

Ah, well. At least they're strongthat makes me feel more at ease.

You remembered how just about an hour earlier you were boarding the bus that would take you to USJ, where you were supposed to go through with some rescue maneuvers. Key word being supposed to; instead, you were greeted by a massive group of villains that were out for blood.

Oh—they also wanted All Might dead, too.

You couldn't really deny the fact that you were nervous with everything that was going on, but your soulmate didn't seem any different than usual.

"That all of 'em?" Katsuki gruffed, massaging his forearm. "They were so fucking weak."

"All the better for us," you chuckled hoarsely. "I mean, if they're all like this, it just means that we have a much higher chance of getting out of this, right?"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes. "The fuck are you saying? We will get out of here. Like hell I'm about to let myself get done in by these small-fries."

"I wish I could be as confident as you..."

"Yeah, must be tough to be weak," he scoffed. "More like, what the fuck have you even been doing this whole time? Did you even try to fight?"

"I was just—!" You puffed out your cheeks indignantly, but all you could do was sigh. You had been leaving them to do most of the brunt work, so he did have a point.

Kirishima seemed to notice the way your expression crumpled and offered you a smile.

"Now, now," he assuaged. "Don't be so tough on her, Bakugou. We've just got the more offensive abilities here. Same goes for the other guys—I'm worried about those who aren't good in a fight, so we need to head back and meet up with them as soon as possible."

Katsuki barely grunted back. "You can do whatever the fuck you want. I'm gonna go beat the shit out of that warp-gate asshole."

"Huh?! You're gonna act childish in a time like this??"

The blonde was probably about to bite back with a snarky retort, but you spoke up before he had the chance.

"Ah, Kirishima-kun, are you okay?" You gestured to the small scrapes and bruises littering his body. "You're hurt. Weren't you using your Quirk just earlier?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, that's...well, even my hardening can't fully protect me at times. Plus, the longer I keep my Quirk going, the more it drains my stamina and makes the effects wear off. I'm fine though," he added hurriedly, shaking his hands. "Seriously, a few bruises aren't worth worrying over."

"Even so, it's probably best if we head out to save the others in our best shape. I'm sure you wouldn't mind a little relief, right?"

Kirishima cocked his head to the side, brows furrowed in confusion. You took the few steps needed to close the distance and slowly lifted your hand to cup his cheek. The boy flushed almost immediately, but you merely smiled in reassurance.

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