[14; disconnect]

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"Ahh, I'm starved!" Uraraka exclaimed, plopping down onto the bench. "That last round was just exhausting! Iida-kun, I'm so jealous that you managed to place first! That super speed was a little sneaky, though!"

He readjusted the rim of his glasses. "There was nothing "sneaky" about it. I made sure to keep that ability a secret so as to have the element of surprise on my side. We're all just doing the best we can, after all."

"Hmm...well, that's true. By the way, have you seen Deku-kun?"

Iida shook his head, and the brunette instead turned her attention towards you. The tray in front of you was relatively untouched; you were picking listlessly at your food, but still had yet to make much of a dent in it. Uraraka frowned.

"What about you, [Name]-chan? Did you see him around anywhere?"

"Not really," you breathed out, clinking your fork against your tray. "He's probably nervous about the upcoming round; might be off mumbling to himself and making some sort of a plan somewhere. Also—" you stood up abruptly, "—I'm gonna go for a bit of a walk."

"Eh? Right now?" Uraraka blinked. "You've barely touched your food, you know..."

"I have to agree," Iida chastised. "If you don't eat properly, you won't be able to replenish your energy for the next stage."

"I'll be fine. But thanks for worrying, guys."

You forced your most convincing smile, hoping that it would be enough. Earlier, you thought that eating with your friends would help lift your spirits, but you found it difficult to maintain a conversation with the way you were feeling right now. It'd probably be for the best if you went off alone to clear your head.

"Going so soon?" a voice mused. You turned your head to see that you'd passed by Monoma's table on your way out—he was sitting with a few people; presumably some of his classmates from 1-B. Which wasn't surprising, considering that he'd already voiced how much he detested your class.

"I don't have an appetite," you said simply.

A salacious grin soon crept onto his lips. "Is it the nerves? You scared about the next round, [Name]?"

"I'm surprised you can look all haughty, when you lost so pitifully to us."

"Wha—?!" The blonde slammed his palms down onto the table, a weak flush rising to his cheeks. "That was just because your damn soul—teammate, happened to get lucky...!!"

Ah. He almost just called him my soulmate. So he really does know.

"I'm surprised by how observant you are," you sighed. "You really do spend too much time stalking others, Monoma-kun. I'm worried about your health."

He scoffed. "If anyone needs to worry about their health, it's you."

Your brows creased. You knew you hadn't just imagined the cautionary words from back during the Cavalry Battle. He seemed to know something that you didn't. But what exactly...?

"You said that back there, too," you began. "What did you mean by—"

"That'll be all! Adieu, Class 1-A filth!"

With a flip of his wrist, Monoma had lifted his nose to the sky and literally snubbed you. The students surrounding him could only shake their heads in dismay, as if this pettiness was a common occurrence. You sighed. Whatever, then. You could ask him what he meant another time.

You hurriedly ran a hand through your [h/c] locks, leaving the mess hall behind. There was an underpass near the edge of the stadium, that led to the forestry outside. It looked like a good place to take a rest, and cool your head for a bit. At the very least, you could get away from the ash blonde you were currently trying to avoid.

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