[16; recognition]

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"I'm baaack!" Uraraka trilled, grinning as she plopped down beside you on the stands. Izuku and Iida were gathered around as well, and you guys all did a double-take when you looked up at the brunette.

"A-are you okay??" Izuku spluttered. "Your eyes look really swollen..."

She waved her hand dismissively. "Ah, I'm fine—I just got a quick 'recovery' done. So my stamina's a little wonky right now. More importantly, what about you, [Name]-chan? How are you feeling?"

"I mean...I guess I've been better."

"Nervous, huh?"

"To go up against Katsuki-kun?" you chuckled. "Well, duh."

Uraraka smiled wearily. You'd been in the nurse's office to speak with her, but it was clear she was still feeling the frustrations of her loss. Even if Katsuki was strong, she'd wanted to win, just like everyone else. You weren't going into this battle overly optimistic (actually it was more so the opposite), but there was still a part of you that was yearning for that victory, no matter how slim the odds were.

"You'll do great," Uraraka reassured, placing her hand atop your shoulder. "You're stronger than me, and smarter than me, too. I'm sure you'll figure out a plan to take him on."

You heaved a sigh. "I think you're giving me too much credit there."

"Nuh-uh! My bestie's a badass, so I know she has it in her!"

Uraraka flung her body overtop of yours, and you couldn't help but giggle when her rosy cheeks pressed up against your own. Izuku and Iida could only watch with furrowed brows; one of them was blushing involuntarily.

"...Well, you're sure taking it easy, huh, [Name]?"

Your eyes rolled out of sheer instinct, not even needing to look up to know who was talking. That arrogant voice spoke for itself.

"Go away, Monoma-kun. Nobody here likes you."

"Wha—?!" He curled his fingers into a fist, gritting his teeth at you. "It's the opposite, you fool! I'm the one who can't stand any of you Class-A types!"

"Great," you drawled. "Can you leave now?"

Monoma was steadily inflating like a balloon, and Uraraka looked back at you in confusion. "Who's this weirdo?" she asked.

"Nobody really. I knew him back when I was in grade school—before I met you."

"You—! How dare you call me a nobody?!" he fumed. "Ferme ta gueule, fille laide!"

Uraraka frowned. "What did he just say?"

"I don't know. I think he's insulting me in French."

"Salope! Nique ta mère!"

It was one of the few moments where you wished you could speak a foreign language, but the fact that you couldn't understand him pretty much made his insults useless either way. Monoma puffed out his chest, cheeks blotched and red from embarrassment.

"Whatever," he grimaced. "With that madman as your opponent, your chances of winning are next to none." He turned to walk away, glancing back over his shoulder. "I suggest you be careful. Your soulmate bond is already unstable as is."

"Eh?" Uraraka jolted. "He knows...?"

She opened her mouth to protest, but the blonde had already walked away. He really was a slippery little bastard; the very definition of a snake. But it was frustrating, because every time you saw him, it was clear that he knew something you didn't.

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