Chapter 20: The Three

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Malcom, Elric, and Fareman woke up quickly the next Morning and gathered their few remaining resources. William woke up as well and gave Fareman his very own sword.

"Give it back to me when you return."

"Listen William, if we aren't back in 5 days, go back to Sawlendale."Malcom said firmly.

"How will we know hot to get back?"William asked.

Malcom then dug in one of his pockets and gave the young man Godwin's bloody map.

"What about you three?"William asked.

"We go up the mountains, find a cave. It's simple."Malcom said.

"So was everything else."Fareman said sarcastically.

Just then, Orion and Leonard walked out.

"Take our horse and cart for your troubles. We are leaving."Malcom said.

"What?"Fareman shouted.

"We don't need it."Elric added.

"Fine."Fareman said with defeat.

William shook all of their hands and then Everyone went outside except Henry and Malcom. Henry had just woken up.

"Malcom... are you leaving already?"Henry said.

"Yes Henry, sorry you can't come."Malcom said.

"Thanks for the adventure Malcom. I just wish I could have finished it with you."

"You did great Henry. Goodbye friend."

Henry nodded off to sleep as the remaining 3 adventurers left William, Orion, and Leonard in the dead town of Arronsville. They walked and walked for some time.

Malcom lead the group with the map, as Fareman and Elric walked side by side. Elric's mind was elsewhere. He was at home, relaxing in his own room. But Fareman pulled him out of it.

"Stop daydreaming!"Fareman barked.

"Why?"Elric asked with actual confusion.

"Daydreaming kills people my friend."Fareman warned.

"Oh."Elric said flatly.

"Let the boy daydream. It'll do no harm. But you better snap out of it if we get attacked."Malcom said.

"More like when."Fareman added.

"Right."Malcom agreed.

"We need to talk about what we do when we get to the stone. You two have to hold off the forces while I do my business."

"Do you... do you think you'll die?"Elric awkwardly asked.

"What?"Fareman shouted.

"I don't know, but I guess it could happen."Malcom said.

"Can we talk about this later?"Fareman asked.

"Sure sure, we are coming up on" Malcom said flatly.

The camp was in worse condition then they had left it. The goblin corpses had completely decayed given the fact that they decay 200% faster than humans but Faulken and the few other human bodies still looked fresh. Everything else was ash. It was a dreadful sight. But what was strung up on a tree was even more dreadful.

Godwin's corpse had been hanged from a branch by a noose and he had been stripped of his armor and had been gutted like an animal. His golden hair was combed back to reveal a message carved into his head.

"Stop this"

Malcom and Fareman were speechless but Elric wasn't. In fact he had much to say.

"Vervian will pay! That Bastard ripped Godwin of his knighthood. I want to be the one who executes that monster. By the blood of Christ I'll kill him!"Elric shouted.

"He clearly knows our every move, maybe we can use that to our advantage."Fareman whispered to Malcom.

"What do you mean?" Malcom whispered back.

"We announce a fake strategy and then do something else."

"I got something."

Malcom stepped over to Elric and then whispered something. He then stepped away and spoke loud and clear.

"It's alright, let's keep moving up the mountain!" Malcom shouted.

Dare man and Elric glanced at each other and nodded. Their plan was in motion.

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