Chapter 21: Flameful confrontation

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Malcom and Elric took Godwin's mangled corpse off of the tree and then they left to go up the mountain. The day was cloudy but there was no rain. But it q we as very foggy. So foggy that none of the three could see where they were going. All they could see was each other.

Malcom and Elric were walking ahead of Fareman while they looked at the map. Fareman had been struggling with his arm wound, and he had stitched it himself but they had come undone very soon after.

"Malcom!"Fareman shouted.

Malcom stopped Elric and turned around.

"Fareman?" Malcom asked.

"I see someone out there!"Fareman shouted.

Elric and Malcom squinted as a man walked out of the of the fog. He had pale skin, black hair, and dark red eyes that darted towards each person.

"Um... hello?"Malcom asked foolishly.

"Greetings travelers. I assume you know who I am."The man said with a wicked grin.

"Vervian."Fareman grumbled.

"That's correct! How is good ol' Godwin?"Vervian asked menacingly.

"Bastard!"Elric shouted as he charged at Vervian, only to get pushed onto his back by Vervian's powers.

"What do you want Vervian?"Malcom said flatly.

"I'm growing tired of this, how about to weasel on home, hmm?"Vervian joked.

"Not a chance!"Elric said as he struggled to stand.

"Oh well, what a waste. I commend your efforts to fool me but I'm afraid that didn't work very well."Vervian said as he walked into the fog.

Seconds passed until goblins circled around the three. Fareman counted 18.

"Oh lord not again."Malcom cried out.

The goblins screamed as they rushed forward. Elric slid under the first goblin that had approached him and the then stabbed the goblins through the back. He then was about to be attacked by another Goblin when Fareman threw his sword into its chest killing it instantly. Malcom meanwhile had stabbed two Goblins at the same time as they turned to dust before him.

Fareman went to retrieve his sword when three goblins grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him into the fog. Fareman was gone and nobody had noticed. Elric took down a few more until the goblins realized how much of a lost cause their fight was and retreated into the fog. Malcom laughed and then realized that Fareman was missing.

"Elric! Fareman's gone!" Malcom shouted.

"What?"Elric asked as he pulled Godwin's sword out of the Goblin.

" Fareman!" Malcom shouted.

But there was no reply. Then suddenly the fog cleared and it revealed where they were. They were closer to the cave.

"I can't do this."Malcom said weakly as he walked in the opposite direction.

"Wait wait wait! What do you mean?" Elric asked as he followed Malcom.

"I'm done, it's over." Malcom said flatly.

"Are you serious? We've come so far!"Elric shouted angrily.

"I am not a heroic prince! I'm a thief, and I will always be a thief! People like me won't change!"Malcom shouted back.

"Malcom, I need you. The world needs you."

"I was a nobody before someone said otherwise."

"A nobody? Malcom, you have literally been destined for greatness! Please, what would Fareman want?"

" A month ago he would have wanted me to escape, but now..."

"Are you with me?"

Malcom looked down at his feet and sighed.


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