chapter9 the unsolved picture

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We are on the subway again where are we going zulu? I don't know yet liz hopefully somewhere safe. Well we can't always be safe zulu, gabe said. Well on a remote island maby. Hmmm maby your right zulu. Okay guy we are here emerald said with hope in his eyes. What is this place zulu? Its the biggest library in the world. I noticed we are on a big island in the middle of nowhere. Well I guess we are safe emerald. What are you waiting for guys let's get inside. They walk inside. Oh someone is here. Helo welcome to the karkat library how may I be of service today? We would like to look at some books. Okay what type. Hmm drma would be just fine. This way. Here we are the drma part of the library. Enjoy your stay. Okay liz said. She leaves the section. Well it seems like there are a lot of books here to read. Hmmm maby there could be answers to why this infection strated. Maby but we should split up. Okay ill look in this part liz you look in the comedy part emerald you look by the horror part and zulu you look at the informational part. They all sit up to parts of the library. Gabe makes his way back to the front desk. Helo there the libraryen says. Helo is there any information on the infection? Hmm let me see oh yes it just one paper but it might help. Gabe take the paper and reads the note. The note was not very helpful it only had stuff like no cure and not sure what will happen. It seems out of date miss. Oh well must be a old paper from months ago. Liz's pov: hmm maby if I look over here I might find some answers. I don't see anything. I'll check if the pain got worse. I still need to find a mirror. Emerald's pov: ok I not sure why I'm looking over here nothing could be behind this shelf its at a wall base. Or maby if I push this. Emerald pushes the wall. It truns. Woha that was unexpected but it worked. Let me a desk. Some paper maby it could be helpful. Emerald takes the paper and reads it to himself. It says the infection won't stop I think we might need better results than the ones we have they don't work. Hmm I'm just going to put this back and get out of here. Then suddenly emerald sees...... so your name is ratlin. Yep thats my name. I'll be right back. Suddenly ratlin is chasing everyone. They know too much I need to stop them no matter what. Ratlin grabs book mark that she had shrapend to look like a nife. Ready or not here i come she said. Hmm i found a mirror i don't see it on my face but its seems to be covered by the spots near my eye. I not sure what u was stabed with but I would of been infected by now if it was that. Liz gose to find something else but sees the libraryen with a nife. Liz hides but it was no use she still found her. Liz ran for her life. Zulu pov: j didn't know they had a upstairs better just go up then. Oh the door's locked. Good thing ratlin gave me the key for upstairs. I don't know why she did but she did. Zulu walks upstairs hmm this must be for litte kids. Play blocks children's books. Better see if they have some water. Hmm its just a needle filled with green ink. I'm just going to take this. Zulu walks downstairs too see this library was a mess and ratlin was chasing everyone. Zulu decided to look around. Hmm a stun gun. I can take ratlin for now maby then she will stop chasing everyone. Zulu tazed ratlin finally she out. Zulu thank you for knocking her out. Oh. Its fine ratlin just needs to clam down a bit. You know her lizsaid with shock. Well of coures I do she was helping me research the infection when it started but we were cut short after the infected broke in to the lab i had no choice but to leave. I had thought that she wasn't gonna make it so I left. I had went to find a friend but she was trapped. Saw emerald I told him to help me out. He tried to grab the bricks that had fell on her but it was too heavy so we ran. Thats why they she took me liz thought. So we should see if she's okay. Well I didn't kill her so I think we should be fine. Hey look I found this picture. Its of 3 pepole but why's the third one missing from the picture or at least their head. It looks like it of one litte mise and a frog. thays all i can peace  out. Riche's pov: hu where did everyone go? Riche gets off the subway to see the library. Its a big place maby they went inside. Riche opens the door and gose in. He sees Zulu and everyone else over by the stairs. Are you okay guys!? We are fine so should we get put of here? Well I think we should before something happens. Okay then let's go. They exit the library and get back on the subway. Well we should be able to find another place or we could find a place that's safe. Well only time can tell when we get there. Well then let's just think of what we can do when we get there. It shouldn't be too long where ever were going. We should be heading north west thats what this map says. Well then we should take a nap so we can get some energy for tomorrow okay then. Emerald starts the train we are leaving the library. Liz sees a blue ball. Liz picks it up as it seems like she has seen it before. Suddenly Liz falls to the ground. Hu where am I Liz scared. She looks around to realize she's at the show again but outside the tent. She sees planes picking pepole up off the ground. liz runs away. She sees gabe come after her. LIZ wake up. Did I pass out again? This has happened more than once gabe!? Well yha. Oh are you okay liz? Um I'm fine. Well we should get to our destination soon just go to sleep i think we will be there by morning. Okay night. Zulu I need to talk to you. What is it ratlin? Its about the two of them. What about them. I think they come from another world. You think so? Well yha they don't seem to be affected by anything other than being stabed. Your right but that doesn't mean they can't die and besides they are our friends. Well should we get to work on a cure when we get to our destination? I guess but it better not be in the middle of nowhere. I think where we are heading might just be a bit better. Zulu: are you sure? Ratlin: I'm sur-  suddenly the train falls over and into the ocean chapter9 end

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