chapter3 the old abandon mall

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Well let's go. Fine fine. They walk to the abdon mall. Wait liz where is this mall? Well he said it was not that far from here. Well let's keep walking i guess. They all get to the abdon mall. Wow its relly rusty. Its covered in vines, bushes and a lot of rust. Lets just get in give this to the guy and get on our way. Ok zulu we're going in now. They walk in and the frist thing they see is the guy. Oh are you the guy that we are supposed to give this to? Yes thats me he said. They give the potion to him ill just take this ok now we can leave. Who said you're leaving. I said we're leaving zulu said angered. No no the door is locked and don't even try the windows there cealed off. Well you can't leave either then. Oh I got my ways ill be put of here before you know it. Then he walks away. Grate we'll just have to find our way out. I'm just gonna look around. Liz then walks away to see if she can find anything. Liz seemed to find nothing. Dang it. But as she was about to go back Liz sees someone. Liz trys to get their attention. And she did. The person said hello. Um hi Liz said. Come with me I can get you out of here. But I need to go get my friends. My car doesn't have enough space for them. Ill be right back stay here Liz said. Liz went to tell her friends about the person in the car. Yha they said they only had space for one. Well do we want to go the rest of us will be on our own. Well I think its best if you go Liz. Um why me. Well because I see that you might just be able to get the information we need. So a safe place. Yha basically. Ok then I better get going. Liz walks back to the litte window brakes it and gets in the car. The person said I'm janz or if you want you can call me jz. I think I'll just call you janz. Well let's go to this place i found. OK. They drive the car to to the forest. It has one of those towers with a radio. Wow its amazing. Yea and there are no monsters here. Thats amazing. So I did find this green vile. Um I don't think thats something you should drink your probly right but I'll just hold on to it for now. So looks like we should be good. Its a literal camp. Well yea its probably the safest place from those things. Well yea. A litte later. Liz went to look around when Liz saw a mouse. Well it actually its a mouse tali and dog ears. Hello there. Oh hi there have you sen a green vile. Uh yea my friend has one. Well I need it. Um ok she takes her to the green vile. So here you go. She takes the vile and drinks it. Well what was it. I don't know I was just needed something to drink and I acidintly said green instead of white. Um so you'll be fine right? I think but where's your friend oh he's just coming over here now. Oh hey looks like you found that mouse. Oh you know him. Yha this is my babysitter before this all happened. Oh well she drank this green vile. Well I'm sure it has no side effects. Well. I think its fine Liz said trying to stay calm. You sure she looks like she gonna attack us. I'm sure she's fine. Suddenly she falls over. She gets back up her eye is black with blue in the middle. Um should we be scared. I mean its just one eye whats the worst that could happen? Well just in case we should put her in a cabin. And so she was put in a small cabin with just a bed and a bathroom. Ill check on her soon. One hour later 12:01am. So let's check back on her shall we. Um ok. Liz and janz go to the cabin too see how she's doing. They open the door. Liz has a stun gun just in case. They walk in to see she's gone and its a note. Um there's 2 more of these notes lets just read them. Ok. They take the note and start reading them. I'm in here i can't control myself much longer im afraid of losing my sense of reality. Um wow that must be really serious. I wish I got to know her better. Lets read the next note. They start to read it. I still in here I need to leave i don't want to hurt them but I can't leave them i don't know what to do ill just smash the window or maby if I look in the mirror it won't be that bad right. I relly regret locking her in here. I know janz she must of been so scared. Well let's read the last note. They start to read the note. I look like monster i need to leave before I lose my sense all together. I'll just hop out of the window i hope if you see this that I left for a reason it feels like I can't go near you I don't want to Write how it feels. So she just gone Liz said nervously. Janz looked broken. I can't believe it she's gone she left. We need to find her. Its no use he said. Why not she could still be here. No she far from here. How do you know? She the fastest runner on her team. Wait how old is she? 6 or 7 its really not clear. Wow she must be really fast but anyways lets see if she still here. Ok he said wiping away his tears. They looked almost everywhere and finally they found her but that wasn't her anymore that was a monster. but even then they knew. Well you know what we have to do Liz said nervously. I know this might be risky. They left her but they came back. So let's get this done with. They grabbed her and put her in a cage with wheels. So this was your best idea Liz. Well its far better than leaving her. Fine let's get out of here. Well where's the red key for the door. Right here. she in the cage right. Yha she is. Then let's go I'm sure we can find d a cure For this. Chapter3 end

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