chapter17 the guy

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Connie: there isn't too much to look at. Liz: yea your right. Gabe: im not so srue about you but something seems odd. Riche: don't pressure yourself too much. Gabe: probably right. Come to think of it when was the last time we relaxed without some sort of problem to deal with. Liz: well that doesn't matter now. Connie: well I'm gonna cheak the basement. Liz: how about me, Gabe, and riche, come with you to the basement in case we something interesting happens. Connie: well okay let's go then. They walk dwon the basement.  Liz: hmm well the lights are on so nothing to be scared of. Suddenly the door locks and a voice could be heard. The guy: oh seems you found my trap. Liz: dang. Gabe: this is gonna suck. The guy: hmm I seem to had heard a friend of yours has died. Liz: how did you know!? The guy: I know alot but thats none of your concerns. But if you want to get out of here alive you must complete these challenges. And don't think iv seen you before soldier girl. Connie: I have a name! The guy: yea yea but thats no fun. Now let's get to the frist challenge. Liz: this doesn't look like anything is there. The guy: oops I forgot to press the button. "He pushes the button and the frist challenge appears." Liz: well I think we got to jump over stuff. Connie: it also looks like if we fall we die. Gabe: I don't trust that. Riche: I feel so scared. "They start jumping over stuff trying not to fall, but then riche slips but Connie grabs his arm and pulls him back up" riche: this is definitely more dangerous than last time. Connie: what do you mean last time? Riche: well we were kinda in this cube like thing. Connie: okay then we should be careful. "They pass the frist challenge and move on" just then the guy comes back on the speaker" the guy: helo again welcome to the next challenge. This time you have to find the test subject before it finds you. Liz: I don't have a good feeling about this. Connie: it might be hard. Gabe: well let's get looking. "They look around the building for it but have no luck" riche: you think Zulu will be worried that we never came back up. Liz: maby but if something is attacking her she has a gun so it will be fine. Connie: I think I found it. Riche: already? Connie: hmm maby your right maby its not it. Riche just hold its hands back in case. "The speaker truns back on" the guy: im impressed that you found it so fast. Connie: yea especially because its a robot. The guy: now you can go through the door to the last challenge. "They walk through the door to the final challenge" the guy: and the last challenge is a muder mystery. In this room a murderer is among us. In the chest is a item use it to identify the murderer. And one more thing there are 2 more people here. That's is all. "The speaker truns off" Connie: well better take whats inside the chest. "They open the box and grab the item" liz: do you think we should talk to the other people? Connie: not my choice but if you want then ok. Liz: okay I'm gonna go talk to them. Helo there. Unknown: hi I'm silver. Liz: well I'm Liz. Silver: well do you know who the other one is? Liz: no. Im gonna talk to them tho. Helo there.  Unknown: helo do you need anything. Liz: no, but whats your name? Unknown: my name is Joe. Liz: well I'm Liz. Joe: well I'm gonna go over there now. "Joe walks away" Liz: well everyone seems to be okay. I still need to investigate on who the murderer is. " Liz checks up on everyone" "she checked on silver first but had no luck with her" liz: maby I should check on Connie but I don't think she would hurt anyone right? "Liz dismissed her thought and continued to check" liz: EVERYONE may I have your attention! " everyone listened to what Liz had to say" liz: I have found a clue to who the murderer could have been. Riche: and the clue is? Liz: this bat found in the kitchen. Silver: how dose that help with the murderer on the lose? Liz: well we can dust for finger prints. Connie: good point Liz. "Everyone walks away" Liz and Connie dust for finger prints"  liz: I think I found our next clue. Connie: ok so the print is shaped like a paw. Liz: so that would cross off me you and Gabe. But as for the rest of them. They are still suspects. Connie im gonna chill by the room. Liz: okay I'm gonna keep looking for clues. "Liz walks around but hears a scream come from the hallway" Liz runs to see what had happened" liz: oh my God Connie! Connie: its not very good. Liz:WHAT HAPPENED!?  Connie: well I was walking to the room and I heared something come running towards me, but I trun around and was stabed by someone. I couldn't  get a good look but they had a long tail. Liz: okay I'm gonna take you to the roo. To get better. " Liz takes Connie to the room and warps her in a bandage. Liz: stay here. "Liz walks back to the main room" liz: ok everyone i need your attention!  Gabe: what is it Liz? Liz: I think I figured out who the murderer is. Joe: and it is? Liz: silver! Silver: WHAT me! Liz: yes you Silver. Silver: BUT HOW!?  liz:well it was simple, my frist clue was the bat wich had finger prints shaped like a paw, and I knew it wasn't Gabe, me or Connie. Because we don't have paw hands and the next clue was very obvious. Connie was STABED! And she told me the rest. So what I could come up with os that you had to muder wepons and used both. "Just then the speaker truns on again" the guy: congratulations you found the murderer. You are all free to leave but not you silver. "Everyone  leaves through the door. Liz: oh we are outside. Connie: we should find Zulu. Gabe: well I think if we came out of there then Zulu should be that way. Riche: okay then let's go. Liz: wait I want to say bye to Joe. Bye Joe. Joe: goodbye Liz. "Liz went back to the group and walked back to the hut"  "they get back to the hut but its night time and raining" "Connie knocks on the door" Zulu: WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN I WAS WORRIED! Connie: we kinda got stuck in the basement. Zulu: well come inside. "They walk inside" zulu: I got the radio to work. Riche: cool let's see if it will work tho. " Zulu truns on the radio and hears a fimlier voice. Fimlier voice: helo Zulu? Zulu: is that really you? "Zulu was a bit hesitant to keep talking but she did anyway" fimlier voice: its me e- "another voice starts to talk" "why helo zulu"  zulu: your the guy! The guy: I see you got in contact with your dead friend. Zulu:but how do you know!? The guy: well I happened to walk pass his grave. What a shame he had to die. But I seemed that he needed a second chance at life. I basically made a robot that looked just like emerald. Then I transferred his consciousness into the robot. Zulu: but why do this for us. The guy: well thats just it. You have to be a test subject in one of my latest exprimants.  So what do you say? Zulu:........ Liz: how know you don't have to do this. Zulu:if its my only chance to see him again then...then.....its a deal. Chapter 17 end.

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