chapter 1 the show

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I came here to the show that I bought out so and my friend Gabe can see up close. Hey Gabe aren't you excited!? Yes  I'm so excited to see the show I heard the man is super funny. Well let's sit down and enjoy the show. Helo seems like we have you two and If may say that's a nice red and white jacket you got boy. Thanks. Well let's begin. Its seems like the world may seem like a pain but I'm sure this will help. Then suddenly they both lose their train of thought and fall to the ground. Gabe and liz wake up in this strange place. It looks like the sky is just a light pink purple mixed with a neon orange. Hey gabe are you sure we aren't dead she said loud and confused. Well I don't know but we are definitely not at the show anymore. Well let's find a way out of here frist. Wait you don't know if this place is dangerous there could be monsters or zombies or wores he said in shock. With that face you look like your joking the shock face. Man your no fun right now. Well I gonna look around to see if we can find anything. A little later. Hey look a found this little shoe store. If its so small then why dose it have a second floor. Thats a good question. Well let's just enter. Soon enough they both enter but little did they know that they been followed. Well let's see i could use new shoes. Um not the time. Come on liz its the prefect time we're in a shoe store. I guess you got a point. They look around a bit. Um liz. What gabe?. Look over there. What is that and why is it coming closer. I ...I ...I don't know it looks like a cat but its standing on two legs. So a fury. Nothing worng with that liz. So why is it holding a glass shard. I mean it can't hurt us I mean its just glass. I guess your right gabe. Well I'm gonna get closer to this thing. Gabe gets closer to just be stabed in the shoulder with a shard of glass by the shoulder. GABE liz yelled she put him on her back and tried to run out of here. The door is now locked with a sliver lock. She took gabe behind the counter. Gabe ill try to heal you. Its bleeding a lot. Ok let me see bandages bandages yes bandages. Liz wrapped the bandage around his shlulder. Ok I found a yellow looking key ill see if this opens the door I'll Front. She tried and it was not the key. She found this locked door she tried using the key on that instead. And it worked. She looked inside to see a red key that was craved like a bear. She took that key to the front was not the key. As she walked away she saw that cat and made a run for it. She had went upstairs instead to find that door was locked and liz used the key. It worked. So she found a tazer. Liz ran back to gabe to check on him. He was doing g better but still hurt. She saw the cat drop the sliver key. Liz used the tazer to shock the cat. Then she took gabe and grabbed the silver key and got out of there. She rembers having to do much more. But they were out now. Liz started walking to find another place. After a litte while they found a town and everyone looked like they wanted to attack them so liz ran with gabe. Or at least tried to they ended up running to a back alley. Wich wasn't good. They thought it was the end. Gabe I'm sorry we didn't do everything we wanted to do. I'm also sorry that we didn't get to go to that team park that you wanted to see for a long time. Well I guess we had good times together didn't we. I guess we did liz. They sat there as they came closer till they saw the monsters fall down. It was a fox and a dino. Gabe liz whispered there both standing on there legs. Stop judging liz he whispered back. The fox and the dino came closer. You two looked like you needed help. Um thank you. We actually don't know where we are and its night time as I can see. Well let's go to my tent over on the roof we will be safer up there they climb the later to the tent on the roof. So I'm zulu and this is Jackie or if you want call him emerald.  hi you can call me emerald like she just said. Oh ok well I'm liz and this is my friend gabe. Well hello there tell us how you got here so we woke up in a forest. And we found a shoe store but a cat standing on its feet chased us with a glass shrad. Oh wait so you don't know yet. Know what liz said nervously. All I know is that the world we came from was thrown apart into your world. And well people just started to dispear or die as you call it. Yea im pretty sure that either every person is dead or they moved to Mars as you say. Well I can see why this is a apocalypse. Don't worry we'll be safe here as long as we know where we are going next. So thats a nice shirt you got. Thx. And emerald thats a nice top hat you got. Um thank you so much I take this everywhere. So whats the plan? Well we'll wait till your friend heals then we go and see if pepole are still alive or if people like me and emerald are still alive. Well ok gabe said. Chapter 1 end

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