chapter8 a showdown

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They spend some time looking around. Emerald, zulu and riche weren't very use to this place. What is this place called. It looks unfamiliar Emerald added. Well they called it greatest city in the world. Wow it must have been a big city. Yea with so manny places to look at its kinda endless. Well then let's get looking around then. As they looked for supplies they saw a axe get thrown trowds them. They doge it. What was it. Its just a axe zulu. Well if you say so.
They walk around the big city but they could hear footsteps coming tworeds them. Then suddenly Liz teuns around to only get knocked out by a panda. Liz waks up later that night. Where am I Liz said with fear in her eyes?! She woke up the lady said. Go get the caption. Ok then. The lady leaves the room. Liz takes t i me too see her sourondings. It looked as if she had been locked up in a jail cell. But liz also noticed that her wasit was wrapped in a bandage. Liz frist thought was. I BEEN HURT OR SHOT. then suddenly the leader comes in the room but what she noticed shocked her the leader looked  half infected How could that be Liz thought it isn't possible. Then the leader grabbed a peice of paper and wort on it saying. Glad we got you your friends are so useless they left you after windy shot you. Liz looked confused. She wort on the paper. Don't worry your in this cell, I know your not like us but thats ok we will make sure that your no thret to anyone for as long as we keep you here. Wha... what why do you want me HERE?! she grabbed another pice of paper and wort. You see you entered the traget zone making you a target. Pealse i Don't want to hurt you or anyone else Liz said in fear. She wort. Well your not hurting anyone we want you to know that we could've killed you but we see that you are special in a way. I don't want anything to do with you or your group. She grabbed another paper and wrote. We call ourselves x but I see your not interested yet so let me tell you something that might change your mind. Like what liz said with a expression of displeef. She wrote. Well I once knew zulu as a friend and someone who I looked up to. But I didn't know at the time that people get left behind all the time. It was when we found it thats when we fell apart. But the worst part was when the out break happened she left me for dead after he saved her. When I told them to wait up they said there's too manny we have to go. I don't believe you they would never do something like that. Then she walked out of the room. Liz tried to move her chair out of the room. But then liz saw another one come in the room and he said. No point of leaving if nobody is gonna save you. Why AM I HERE Liz shouted. Well its simple your here because we will simply see if your worth keeping alive or if your useless and we should chop off your limbs. U don't want to die Liz said horrified. Well then wait here for the other one to get here. Soon the other one got here. But liz suddenly noticed that both were half infected. So now frist what's your name we can't just let you go without knowing anything about you. I'm liz. Well then liz you seem to have made it far. So liz I bet your wondering why we are half infected. Well you don't get a answer till we're done. So liz do you think you can relly trust anyone here. Be honest we can tell when your lying. No not really. Well at least your honest. Well liz on to the last question. Do you know how you got here or why you did what you had to. No I don't know why I'm here and I do know what I did liz said nervously. Well so honest when your life being put on the line. Well you get to live but we're not done with you yet. Oh I forgot to tell you our names. I'm cinder. Um will you tell me why your half infected please? Oh so nice but maby ill tell you another time. I'll bring you to the leader now. She takes liz out of the chair and picks her up and starts walking out of the cell. Zulu pov: about 2 hours earlier 9:12pm. LIZ....LIZ she's been shot. Zulu then found the closet thing to a bandage and wrapped it around liz waist. Zulu looked and realized it was wrapped around her shrit but that didn't matter to Zulu. What matter was getting liz safe. Zulu tired to carry liz and was being hunted down. Zulu had been backed up into a ally. Zulu got her bow aimed and was successful. So Zulu ran with liz on her back. But she was soon knocked out by the panda. I need to get liz back Zulu whispered. Liz pov: they left me here in this room I need to leave before they spot me. Liz snuck out of the room. She was fast but carefull. She had unlocked the door when she saw the leader soon ran without thinking. Jut then liz spots the lader to the roof. She climbs it the pulls it up as fast a she could. Liz was on the roof but soon spotted that so was the panda. Oh so you think you c o uld get away so easily. Well your worng. Well we should be able to infected you to the half point. Or maby it will fail. Its just the price you pay. The panda grabs liz and pins her down. Liz trys to fight back put its no use. The panda stabs her in near the eye with a needle. Liz kicks her back and jumps off the roof. Liz had fell but she ran no matter how much it hurt. She ran so fast but the she saw them it was Zulu, emerald, gabe and riche. Liz ran towards them. Are you okay liz Zulu said worried. I'm fine other than that panda stabed me with a needle. Well if it wasn't that infection we should be fine. I'm not sure. Well what did they all look like? Well they were all half infected. They told me they only took a small part of that infectiones potion. Well we should find some where else to stay. They ran out of the city and back to the station. They got in the subway and left the city. Well I hope what we find isn't as bad as what just happened. Don't worry as long as we don't go into danger we should be fine. Liz closed her eyes as she dose she drifts off into the drak. Chapter8

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