twenty | about a year later

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JULIET SNOW WALKED down the crowded street of the park, her skateboard under her arm as there were too many people here to actually skate right now. The sun was bright and her skin felt warm.

Summer was just beginning, and Juliet was very happy about that. She was never a fan of the cold, and especially not of snow, despite Snow being her last name. Everyone who met her, including herself, found that ironic.

The 1977-1978 year of Uni had gone well, and she was one step closer to moving to America and teaching French. She was excited to finally leave Europe - something about it depressed her, though she couldn't put her finger on the exact reason.

It was about noon when Juliet took a seat at her favorite cafe, ordering a muffin and a coffee. As she waited, she opened her sketchbook and flipped through its pages. Loads of the sketches were of her friends and family back at home, though most of them were of a boy.

Juliet did not recognize the boy. When she opened her sketchbook late last August, she noticed dozens of pictures of him, though she couldn't remember who he was. She didn't ever remember seeing the boy either, but something about him was so familiar. So comforting.

She closed her book once her muffin and coffee arrived, finishing both quickly before paying and leaving. She placed her sketchbook and pencil under her arm, dropped her skateboard, and began skating through the street and into the large park.

This whole area had been hit by a pretty bad storm a little over a year ago, and had only just finished its rebuilding a month or so ago. The grass was green again, the businesses and homes were rebuilt, and people finally felt safe. Juliet remembers being there, though she can't remember the exact events that went down. She faintly remembers bright lights, perhaps it was a lightning bolt.

Her head was in the clouds as she thought about this, so it was no surprise when she skated right into somebody, sending them both flying onto the grass.

"Oh my gosh!" Juliet says, scrambling to her feet to help up the person she just hit. "I am so sorry - oh, gosh, I'm getting deja vu."

The stranger laughs a bright, and oddly familiar laugh, before taking her hand and allowing her to help him up.

"It's no problem, are you alright?" He asks.

Juliet gets a good look at his face then. He has dark brown eyes, untidy hair, and his glasses kept falling to the tip of his nose. He looked nearly identical to the boy in her drawings.

"Me? Oh, yes - yes, I'm fine. You, you look so familiar. Have we met before?" Juliet asks curiously.

The boy smiles, though shakes his head no.

"I'm afraid we haven't. Well, I've got to run, maybe I'll see you around."

With another bright smile, the boy leaves. Juliet looks towards her skateboard for a moment, then back towards the boy... except he was already gone. Like he had simply disappeared. Like it was magic, or something. Juliet is stuck standing there for a moment, before regaining her thoughts, getting back on her skateboard, and continuing to skate through the park.

Juliet Snow never did end up seeing the mysterious boy again, though her thoughts drifted to him from time to time. The way he smiled, how polite he was about getting nearly ran over by her skateboard, and how he had vanished in thin air.

Sometimes she would take out her sketchbook and stare at the sketches of the boy that she was 99% sure was him, and she would add in small features. Fix some things, since his features were slightly different from her drawings from a year before, as if he had aged a bit. Underneath each photo of him read the same words:

The boy filled with magic


THAT'S IT BESTIES! SNOW IN SUMMER HAS OFFICIALLY ENDED! If you did not realize, the boy she ran into was James, because obviously James Potter was waiting for the perfect chance to get one last look at Juliet, so why not have their last interaction resemble their first?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! this story was super fun to write, and i'm so excited for the rest of the marauders series. I think i'm doing either sirius or peter next, so keep your eyes open for that!

thank you so much for the love on this story!!! all the love,


SNOW IN SUMMER || J. POTTER ✓Where stories live. Discover now