nineteen | in another life

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SAYING GOODBYE WAS hard when you knew you would never be saying hello again. Juliet and James walked back downstairs, Sirius, Remus and Peter right behind them. The five of them looked as if they had just gotten the worst news of their life, which was partially true.

James kept looking at Juliet, then having to look away. His summer had been filled with her smile and laughter, and the idea of never getting to witness either of those again sends pain through his chest.

Juliet had on the best brave face she could manage, though everyone could see past it. Juliet knew she looked like a scared, 18 year old girl who did not yet want to say goodbye to someone she could see herself falling in love with. She did not want to say goodbye to James Potter.

Not much talking happened when the five returned to the room. Only Euphemia, Fleamont, Moody and Dumbledore remained. They all looked towards James and Juliet, who were hand in hand, with sad eyes.

Dumbledore would be erasing her memory, they had already decided that. He would be taking all her memories away of the wizarding world - and every last memory of James Potter. All the laughs, the jokes, the early mornings and late nights, all of it would be wiped from Juliet's memory.

They granted the two the gift of spending their last few minutes together, though, walking back to Juliet's apartment. It would be best to leave Juliet in front of her apartment afterwards, so she would not be anymore confused than she already would be.

Juliet said her goodbyes to her new friends. There were many tears and hugs, and once Sirius had finally pried Remus off of Juliet, Juliet thanks Euphemia and Fleamont for their kindness, then leaves with James.

The walk was short, ten minutes perhaps. The first minute or two was spent in silence, James' grip on Juliet's hand was tight. In Juliet's free hand, she held her roller skates. She was currently wearing an old pair of Euphemia Potter's flip flops.

"Everything that's happening is for the best." Juliet says quietly.

James nods his head slowly.

"I just wish you would get to remember me, at least." James sighs sadly.

"I think... I think part of me will always remember you, James. How could I possibly forget?" Juliet laughs softly.

Perhaps she was trying to be optimistic, or she didn't fully understand what was about to happen. Either way, James loved that Juliet was trying to be positive about this whole situation. He loved her optimism.

They then began bringing up some of their favorite memories of the summer. Their laughing, though, eventually turned to tears once they had finally stopped in front of Juliet's apartment.

Dumbledore hadn't arrived yet, James was thankful for that. He turned to face Juliet, whose eyes were puffy and cheeks were stained with tears. James was sure his face was similar to hers.

"Thank you, Juliet, for everything." James says, resting his forehead on hers.

"Thank you for everything as well, James," Juliet says, attempting to smile as a stray tear falls down her cheek. "Thank you for being my boy filled with magic."

James laughs at this, "Thank you for being my Snow in Summer."

Their goodbye kiss was short, sweet, and oddly calm. Almost as if it wasn't truly a goodbye. Once their lips disconnected, though, the two still held each other tightly. Neither wanted to let go first.

"Ms. Snow, Mr. Potter, I'm afraid it's time." Dumbledore's voice comes from beside them.

Juliet was the first to let go. She held onto James' hands, giving them one more tight squeeze, before facing Dumbledore.

"I am ready, Professor Dumbledore." Juliet says in a confident voice.

She looks to James once more, who looks as if he is about to begin crying yet again.

"Mr. Potter, why don't you join Mr. Black across the street." Dumbledore suggests.

James nods his head, though he stays where he is, staring at Juliet Snow, the girl who knocked his beloved cherry snow cone out of his hand nearly two months ago. She had changed his life in a way, and in a few moments, all of that will have been for nothing.

Juliet smiles weakly towards James, stepping towards him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I will never forget you, James, not really." She says.

"Maybe we'll meet again someday, maybe in another life." James says, trying to be as optimistic as Juliet.

Juliet's eyes sparkled brightly for the first time all day.

"Maybe in another life."

Juliet gave James' hands one more tight squeeze, before turning towards Dumbledore, who watched the two teens with sad eyes.

It took all of James' strength to walk away from Juliet, though he finally did, joining Sirius across the street. James looked back several times, though Juliet did not. He knew he was not as strong as she was in that way.

James and Sirius moved out of sight of Juliet and Dumbledore. Sirius placed an arm around James, the two watching as Dumbledore carefully obliviated Juliet's memories. He apparated away quickly afterwards.

James had started crying again, Sirius himself began tearing up. After a minute of convincing, the two finally apparated back to James' house, where his family and friends were waiting for him with open arms.

OUCH that hurt to write!!! don't hate me please!!! i'm a sucker for sad endings!!!


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