Chapter 1

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"The word tragic means a lot to me"

Ph1lza's POV:
I stood in front of the door of my sister's,Clarity, house,nervously staring at it.It's been 3 years since our argument, ever since then when Wilbur was born I've shielded him from knowing who Clarity or Asriel were and I especially didn't tell him about they're kid.I groaned as I couldn't bring myself to knock 'what would I even say?!' I thought to myself as I paced nervously in the snow. I can't just leave now it's snowing too hard to do so I let out a frustrated sigh as I remembered our argument.


"What were you thinking?! Look I know you have feelings for him that's fine but starting a family with him?! He's a demon and you're an angel don't you think, oh! I don't know that it could be dangerous?!?" I yelled worriedly but also with rage.

Clarity, looked away from me with guilt in her eyes.I sighed as I put my hand on her shoulder "look I know your just confused okay I get it,it happens-"she snapped at that and swatted my hand away "Confused?! That's what your gonna address this as!? I'm just 'confused'!? I'm not confused I know I love him, he's not like the others-".

"So you're just gonna forget what they've done to us! To our family! Just because you believe some random demon is slightly better than other demons?!" I interrupted as I glared at her.

" I don't just 'believe' he is, I know he is! You just choose to not listen to me,but instead just listen to the past!" She yelled,her wings rising a bit." Well me 'listening to the past' is what's kept us safe so far so I'm gonna keep doing that!" I shouted, my wings rising in anger.

"Well I wish you could just at least listen to me for once! Or just hear me out or I don't know just at least acknowledge my existence!" She screeched ,her voice breaking a bit at the end. Her eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to fall, her wings lowered as she turned her head away from me.

I sighed in frustration "Fine. You know what? You do  that okay? But don't expect me to be there for you or to pick up all the pieces when this all goes downhill."I say turning away towards the door, I opened the door not getting a response from my sister as I walked out, leaving her.

~End of flashback~

I groaned at the memory and slowly brought my hand up to door and knocked. After a few minutes of waiting I was gonna knock again until I heard a response "Be right there!" I got chills hearing my sister's voice for the first time in years, and hearing her so happy,a few seconds later the door was opened by my sister who had a small smile on her face.

Her expression soon dropped when she saw me, I nervously said a small 'hey' as I scratched the back of my neck. She leaned against the doorframe with an unamused face "So what happened to 'don't expect me to be there for you' huh?" She said mockingly as she lets me in the house "I decided to pay a little visit to see the kid." I said as I followed her, "He has a name you know."she scoffed and led me towards the living room where I saw the little demon-angel hybrid. " Hey Bad there's someone here to see you."Bad's ears perked up as he heard Clarity calling him, he turned his head towards me giving me a starry eyed look as he walked towards me.

Turns out he was admiring my wings, I don't know what it was but seeing him like that really warmed my heart. Without even realizing it I let out a small chuckle as he starts playing with wings, I looked at Clarity who had a knowing smirk on her face. I just rolled my eyes as I turned towards Bad "Hey kiddo how are you?" I say crouching down to his level, ruffling his hair a bit " I'm doing great!" Bad beamed as his tail wagged a bit, I smiled at him 'this kid isn't so bad as I thought he would be'.

~Time skip~

I chuckled as I watched Bad and Wilbur run around the flower patch giggling as they did so.Clarity had ask me to babysit Bad for a few hours so I accepted, if I'm being honest Bad has completely changed my perspective on demons and hybrids.Though that doesn't mean I'm not still at least a little skeptical of them.I watched as Wilbur chased Bad around, I suddenly got intrigued when I noticed Bad spreading his wings out to fly away from Wilbur but he stopped immediately as an arrow bolted towards him. He dodged it but ultimately he fell face first into the grass. Bad slowly got up, and tears started to roll down his face that had a scared expression,I immediately got up to check on him.

Wilbur who was worried as well also ran to Bad's side." Hey, are you okay little dove?" I say as I cleaned the grass stains off his face,he nodded, "good" I say as I immediately turned towards where the arrow came from. It was some guy who had white wings with some blue streaks in them, "get away from that thing!" They yelled as they ran towards us, " what do you think your doing?! You almost shot him!"I glared at him "Well of course I was trying to shoot him!he's a hybrid!" He said pointing his bow at Bad who was terrified.

"Put the bow down now." I said with a stern look, he scoffed "your not seriously defending this freak! You used to slaughter hybrids and now your taking care of one?!"  He yelled still pointing the bow at Bad "Look it's complicated my sister she-"He interrupted me" I knew it! That sister of yours has always been trouble! So the rumors were true huh? She hooked up with a demon and they made this freak of nature." I was filled with rage, that's when he brought out his sword "Don't worry I'll get rid of this mistake for you and you won't have to deal with it anymore." He said my eyes widened as he swung his sword towards Bad.


I winced a bit as I brought my hand up to the wound on my wing,blood stained the white flowers beneath our feet." What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled as he quickly swung his sword again but I was quicker, I caught the the sword before it could hit Bad, I yanked it out of his hand and turned the blade end towards him. " Leave now." I say sternly , he growled and ran away "just wait until I tell the council about this!" He yelled in the distance, I sighed as I put the sword down and quickly healed my wound. My heart sunk as I turned around to see Bad was crying and Wilbur was trying to comfort him but he also had a scared expression on his face.I kneeled down next to them scanning them for any injuries after not finding any I walked closer to them bringing them into a hug.


I turned myself towards my sister who was leaning against a fence that was on the outside of the flower field we were in."Come on Bad your mom's calling you" I say reaching my hand out towards Bad who was  holding onto Wilbur's,He quietly nodded as he held onto my hand.we started walking toward the fence which took a while considering how far apart we were," what's with the sword over there" Clarity asked "Ughm we were sword fighting! Yeah sword fighting.." I say nervously "okay?" After a few more minutes of us chatting we went our separate ways but I still couldn't get my mind off about what happened 'should I tell her about it?' I asked myself I shook the thought away and kept walking.
End of chapter 1
1422 words
A/n: I hope you guys liked this first chapter! My updates will be very slow sadly but I do have a TikTok (@ghoasttoast1808) where I post art about this au and other stuff too anyways that's all my little sunflower seeds!

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