Chapter 3

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" I know to cut and I know how to bleed"

Third Person POV
Today was the day Bad was starting 3rd grade, Bad was a bit nervous especially after recent events, and the fact he's been homeschooled for the first few school years so being at a school is just terrifying for him. He spent half the morning trying to find a way to hide his wings. Sure his mother's speech to him was nice and uplifting but he still couldn't help but let that dreadful feeling of fear takeover him. As he kept struggling putting a shirt over his wings tears of frustration filled his eyes, he threw the shirt to the ground and letting out angry shout as he sat on the ground staring at the floor.


Clarity questioned as she walked up the stairs. She opened the door and let out a small sigh as she saw Bad, she walks towards him and kneeled down to his level."Hey what's wrong?" Clarity asked putting her hand on Bad's head, Bad looked up at his mother with tears streaming down his face. Clarity who was worried brought her hands up to Bad's face caressing it, "Why are you crying?" She questioned Bad paused a bit before responding "I- I- I don't wanna g-go to school.." Clarity sighed she pondered for a bit before coming up with an idea "Wait here for a sec okay?"

Clarity said as she walked towards Bad's closet and opened it, after a while of rummaging around she grabbed out an oversized poncho-like hoodie. Bad tilted his head in confusion as Clarity walked closer to him, she wrapped the cloak over the little boy's shoulders. She then flipped the hoodie over his head, which revealed there were holes for his horn to come out. "Do you know whose this is Bad?" Clarity asked, to which Bad replied with a shake of his head "This belonged to your father, we meant to give to you on your first day of middle school, but I think it's best for you to wear it now." Clarity replied smiling at Bad's reaction which was amazement.

You see Asriel is the local healer for the demons and other races, of course he can't do any magic so he just uses potions or medicines, so the different races rely on him a lot especially hybrids and demons. So the cloak Bad is wearing is his dad's signature cloak he always wears. Though Asriel doesn't really find much customers anymore, it's strange really especially with all the missing demon cases.

Clarity sighed of relief "Now are you ready to go to school?" She asked the hybrid, "Y-yeah I think I am"
Clarity smiled as she guided her son downstairs into the kitchen where Asriel can be seen preparing Bad's lunch. "Oh hey sunflower!" Asriel greeted Bad "Hi papa." Bad said smiling, which warmed Asriel's heart "So... I see your wearing my cloak"  Asriel said as closed Bad's lunchbox packing it in his backpack " Oh yeah..uhm.. is it okay if I can wear it" Bad nervously asked "Of course your old man doesn't need it much now anyways."  Asriel said with a small chuckle escaping his lips, "Now let's drop you off to school shall we?"

(Phil's POV)

I sigh as I turned the pages in my newspaper, the same headlines meeting my eyes "Demon gone missing" or "Demon disappearance increases". 'What is happening' I thought to myself as I kept flipping through the pages, I was genuinely concerned for them. I mean I may not trust demons but I'm not an asshole who doesn't care for others safety, I suddenly snapped out of my trance when I hear my phone ring. " Hey Techno can you pick that up?" I called, I then heard footsteps walking towards the landline and the clicking sound of it being answered.

Techno has moved in a few months ago with Kristan, Wilbur, and me, when I told him about Bad he was a bit skeptical about the kid. Even when they first met Technoblade got intimidated by the little mate and was creeped out by him, but after a month they became practically inseparable. Kind of like how he was with Wilbur but he definitely had a stronger bond with Bad claiming the name "Uncle Techno".

The sound of the phone being hung up caught my attention, I turned towards Technoblade, but soon became worried when I saw the look on his face. "What is it mate?" I questioned, he opened his mouth saying something I couldn't believe.

"There's a bounty on Clarity, Asriel, and Bad."

(Third person POV)

Clarity hummed a tune while driving Bad towards the school, Bad sat in the back seat humming along with the tune. The drive was surprisingly peaceful, after a few minutes they finally got there, Bad stepped out of the car along with Clarity who held his hand," Well here's your stop, I'll come to pick you up after school okay?"  "You promise?" Bad asked, Clarity replied "Of course".

Bad smiled as he walked towards the front doors where he saw his teacher waiting there for him, she greeted him with a smile which surprised Bad. The teacher appeared to be a Harpy a common race to find in the area, "Why hello you must be Badboyhalo right?" She asked kindly, Bad nodded nervously, a bit unsettled by the lack of hostility coming from her.

"Well I'm Ms. Felicity, I'll be your teacher, let's go introduce you to the class shall we?" She said offering to hold his hand, to which Bad accepted and they walked down the hall, Bad turned his head behind him to see his mom in the car waving at him, he smiled and turned forward and thought to himself.

'Maybe today will be a good day after all'

1031 Words
A/n: Wow it's been a while hasn't it sorry about I got busy with school and I became unmotivated to continue this book and a bit burnt out. So now I'm back, sorry this chapter was so underwhelming for a 4 month hiatus. I promise the next chapter will be better hopefully anyways byee my little sunflower seeds!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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