III. way to his heart

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y/n's pov:
continuation of the last chapter...

 I MADE MY WAY TO THE TO THE abandoned bathrooms in the back, it's where we usually came to skip, or smoke

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I MADE MY WAY TO THE TO THE abandoned bathrooms in the back, it's where we usually came to skip, or smoke. I waited for about 5 minutes until I got annoyed and walked to my brother's locker.

"Where's Marcus? I wasted five minutes waiting for him in the back and the idiot never showed" I ranted to my twin as he pointed across the hall to where Marcus was casually leaning up against the lockers talking to the new girl.

Brian had his locker open, I glanced scanning it for an object and picked up a pencil. "Hey that's my favorite pencil..." He trailed off as I chucked the pencil at Marcus' head.

"[Y/n/n] was what that for?" He groaned rubbing his head. I walked up to him, picking up the pencil and rested my arm on his shoulder.

Brian approached us standing behind Marcus and vigorously shaking his shoulders. "You're the girl who was late to class" She spoke up, stating the obvious.

"No, that was my evil clone" I said sarcastically and continued "Kidding, [Y/n] and that's my twin brother Brian" She sent him a smile.

"I met your mom last night" Marcus spoke.

"She can be very friendly"

"Hmm. She asked me for weed. She wasn't that friendly" He grinned.

"Ya, well, she can also be kind of a bitch" Ginny replied glancing at Marcus.

"Well I hate to break this-" I gestured between Marcus and Ginny "-up but we need to be somewhere" I said not smiling one bit not being in the mood.

"You should smile more princess" He teased, attempting to pinch my cheeks but instead I swatted his hands away from my face. Ginny rolled her eyes obviously jealous of the attention I was getting from Marcus.

"Marcus, be gone" Max shooed

"You guys are coming to dinner tonight right?" We missed you last night" Max said sincerely. I nodded smiling slightly.

Marcus began to walk off as soon as he realized he forgot me he swiftly turned around, walking towards me as I sheepishly smile up at him.

"Can't forgot you of course" Marcus said, as he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me to walk with him. Ginny glared at me as Marcus touched my arm. Brian following behind us noticing Ginny send me nasty looks.

This wasn't unusual at all Marcus always treated me with love, 9 years of friendship will do that to you. What also wasn't unusual was girls who found him attractive to really dislike me for the attention that he gives me.


Soon enough school had ended, and I could finally escape that hell hole. Considering Brian and I were having dinner at the Bakers tonight I decided to go home with Marcus.

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