XXII. pigeon

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y/n's pov:
Warnings: Swearing, brief mention of self-harm

"WHY DID WE EVEN COME TO SCHOOL TODAY?"  I sigh shutting my locker.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because we need an education." Marcus replies.

I scoff. "Since when do you care about your education?" Brian and I say simultaneously.

Marcus smirks but before he can say anything someone approaches. Matt clears his throat and I give him a weak smile.

"Um," I start as I pick my bag off the floor. "i'll meet up with you guys later, yeah?"

They give me weird looks but before they can object I turn around and start walking. Matt walks besides me.

It's been a few weeks from the party. Matt and I talked a while that night. He apologized for his actions...multiple times. I'm not gonna get back together with him. But I believe in second chances when people earn them. So maybe we can be friends or try to at least?

"Y'know even with us hanging out at school more... it feels weird." I say while glancing at Matt.

He chuckles. "It shouldn't. We're friends who've kissed. You've kissed Max." Matt says trying to reason with me.

"You're right! So-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. "Hold that thought."

Pigeon🐦 is calling...

"What's up, pigeon?" I say as I pick up the call.

"Why did you leave me all alone?!" Marcus yells.

"I did not. You're with Brian."

"Yeah, who left me for Padama." He says.

I stifle a laugh which makes Marcus upset.

"It's not funny." Marcus whines like a child.

"It's very funny, pigeon."

"Stop calling me pigeon!"

I giggle. "Stop acting like a baby."

"That's it! I'm telling everyone that you're afraid of pigeons."

I gasp dramatically. "You wouldn't dare!" I knew he was kidding. Pigeons are the most terrifying thing in the world to me. Why I call Marcus pigeon...beats me. He is just a pigeon.

"Try me, baby" He says.

I call his bluff. "PIGEON!"

He hands up.

"Fuck." I mutter.

Matt looks at me confused. "Marcus?"

I nod my head, laughing. "I called him pigeon. He didn't like it. He said he was going to tell everybody that I'm afraid of-"

I was cut off again by a loud shout from someone far from us. Not somebody...Marcus.


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