VII. was that okay?

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y/n's pov:
continuation of last chapter...

"ARE YOU SPENDING THE NIGHT" MARCUS asked as he plopped down next to me on his bed

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"ARE YOU SPENDING THE NIGHT" MARCUS asked as he plopped down next to me on his bed. i rolled off the bed and fell on the floor. shrugging my shoulders i responded "most likely".

I stood up and walked towards the door. "I'll be back" I shouted even though i was still in the room.

Marcus grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. "I'm right here. Why are you yelling?" he said laughing at my expression when he threw the pillow at me.

"Because i can!" I shouted running down the hall into max's room.

I knocked on the door and barged in, throwing myself on her bed.

"So before you get mad at me for attacking your new best friend let me tell you something. I was here first so you can't replace me no matter what andddd she deserved it" I said sounding like a child.

"look [y/n] i don't care i just wish i was there to see it" she laughed. she stopped laughing after a couple of minutes and got serious "Why did you do it though?" she asked.

I sighed "I don't know max I just have a really bad feeling about her. She gives off a bad vibe. I don't trust her. It also doesn't help that your brother is-" i cut myself off before I say something I'm not supposed to.

Max gives me a look. "You don't wanna know" I reply.

Max's expression changes to one of pure joy and excitement. "Soo you and press?" she wiggled her brows.

"What about me and press" I replied innocently.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit. you like him, he likes you why can't y'all get together" she suggests.

"Max you're out of your mind if you think that press- our press likes me" I turned my head to look at her and continued "You're crazy"

"Answer me this. do you like him more then a friend? Like you wanna be with him and hold hands and kiss in the hallways and do stuff in bed-" Max ranted before I cut her off.

"Max please like someone like press would ever be attracted to me let alone in a sexual way. I think not" I state shaking my head at the idea.

For me it's more then his looks...

"Girl please have you seen yourself. You're fucking beautiful and to be honest Press doesn't look at you the way he looks at other girls. It's different you can see it in his eyes y'know?" Max stated nodding her head. although i didn't know where she was getting at.

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