XXIII. birthday

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y/n's pov:

Warnings: light swearing


I SIT IN THE HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM, bouncing my knee up and down. I've been here all night with Brian and Mrs.Baker.

"He's going to be alright." Brian whispers to me, placing a hand of my leg to stop me.

I shake my head trying to process what Mrs.Baker had told us when she brought us here after I insisted I be here.

"He was on his motorcycle, Brian. He knows he's not supposed to ride that thing. Now why on earth did he get on it w-when he knows-" I begin to ramble before my brother stops me.

He turns to me, speaking quietly. "It's okay. When he's done with the CAT scan and we go home, we'll talk to him. You don't have to worry-"

This time I'm the one to cut him off. "Of course I'm going to worry Brian! I'm scared. We could've lost him. I-I can't lose him, neither could you." I say, on the verge of tears.

"C'mere." He says bringing me into a hug. I try my hardest not to cry. The last thing I want is for Marcus to worry about me.

After a few seconds we pull apart and I see Mrs. Baker and Marcus come into view.


Marcus wanted to sit in the back of the car alongside me. He slid his hand in mine, interlacing our fingers together. He then glanced at me, giving my hand a squeeze.

"What's on your mind?" He asks softly.

I just shake my head giving him a weak smile. I didn't really feel like talking at the moment.

Mrs.Baker pulls up in the driveway and parks the car. Before I let go of his hand I bring our interlocked hands up to my face placing a quick kiss on his hand.

Brian opens the door for Marcus as I make my way around the car to them. As I make my way to them I see that Marcus hasn't walked up to the door yet. He was waiting for me.

Without saying anything he grabbed my hand and we began to walk to his front door but suddenly he stops. I look up at him to see him looking at something.

I bring myself to look in the direction his gaze is in to see Ginny at her window. I furrow my brows and as I do so he turns his attention to me giving me a sad look.

"Don't worry your pretty head. It's not important okay?" He says, rubbing the pad of his thumb on my hand, gently.

"Marcus, we need to talk." I say quietly.

He only nods. "But you need to get some rest, okay? Let's go." I smile as he bends down to place a kiss on my forehead.

"Oh, and one more thing." He said leaning his lips down to mine. "Happy birthday, princess."

He pulls me gently to continue walking. But my eyes are still on Ginny. Marcus' accident definitely had something to do with her.

As we walk in the house I see a bunch of people on the couch. My parents. Connor. I look up at Marcus who only smiles at me and nods.

"I'll be upstairs." He says giving my hand a squeeze. He waves to everyone, not really feeling in the mood to engage in conversation.


After hugging my parents and Connor, I stayed downstairs for a bit to catch up with everyone. Once it was only Connor, Brian and I, I decided I should go check on Marcus.

I kind of feel guilty for having fun with everyone knowing that he's upstairs thinking about everything that has happened.

"Well, I'm going to go check on Marcus." I say as I slowly get up.

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