Part 2. The Maw and Six

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Narrator's POV

Y/n looked around, analyzing his surroundings, trying to figure out which part of the surface he was in, but nothing looked familiar, in fact, the aura surrounding this place was unpleasant, it was like if he wasn't even on the surface anymore, maybe he was back in the underground.

Y/n: Did the kid reset again?

He though about this for a couple minutes, but then shakes his head

Y/n: No if Frisk would have Reset I'm pretty sure I would have known

So then where was he? 

If he wasn't on the surface, or the Underground......then where was he?

He tried to look around some more but the darkness wasn't helping him, but he then notices that the stuff around him were more bigger than him, such as boxes

Y/n: Wait a minute.....could it have been the machine?

The last thing he remembers was the Explosion that came from the machine

Could that have taken him into another world?

Y/n: Is this really a new world? Maybe this is all a dream......or maybe it's a nightmare.....well either way I need to get out of here

His eye then lights up

Y/n: Time to use a shortcut







A few moments pass by, and nothing happens, Y/n is left confused

Y/n: Why can't I teleport?

He then tried to summon some Gaster Blasters






Still nothing

Y/n: What's going on? It feels like something is blocking me from using my abilities

He then tries to summon a Gaster Blaster again, but this time the Gaster Blaster was summoned, Y/n was happy he could summon it, but then he felt something else


Y/n: GAH

Y/n felt his soul crack, he brought his soul out to check it

HP .9/1

Y/n: (I guess I really can't use my magic right now, or else I'll become dust, I'll just use it if it is an emergency)

*Step* *Step*

Y/n was then snapped out of his thought as he heard the sound of footsteps 

He looked around to see who was walking around, and to his surprise he saw what seemed to be a human with a Yellow Raincoat on, walking towards a vent

Y/n: (There's someone else here, maybe they can help me)


The sound of the vent closing can be heard


Y/n ran towards the vent and went inside of it

Y/n: Jeez this is hard to move in, good thing I'm not that tall, I can't imagine someone that's tall walking through a vent like this

My little Nightmare (Male Human Sans Reader x Teen Six)Where stories live. Discover now