Part 18. Convivial

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Narrator's POV

You and Six were leaning against a wall, trying to rest before continuing your Journey

You check your soul, which had cracks in it

HP .4/1

Y/n: (It's amazing how I'm still alive)

Six: Does. . .Does it hurt?

You turn to look at Six who looked concerned

Y/n: Just a little bit

Six: Why do you have so little. . . .Hit Points?

Y/n: Well, That's Because my soul isn't adapted to hold that much HP

Six: Why not?

Y/n: How can I explain this? Alright, Imagine if you have a ball of Clay, if you were to want that Clay Ball to become a Sturdy Flower Pot then you'd have to mold it into the Flower Pot that you want and then Heat it at a high Temperature

Six: I don't get it, what does pottery have to do with souls?

Y/n: Souls and pottery are kind of the Same, You have your soul and you want to mold it into something you want, you think of what you want your soul to be and then you train to get it into that point

Six: Ohhh, I seem to get it now

Y/n: Yeah but Like Pottery your soul doesn't always turn out the way you want it to be, one wrong move and the Flower Pot you envisioned can be Shattered in just seconds

Six: I. . . .see. . . .What did you want to mold your soul into?

Y/n: Hehe, The Thing is, I haven't "molded" my soul into anything

Six: Wait, You haven't? Why?

Y/n: Well, I. . . .don't have a "shape" I want my soul to become, I'm not like my Brother, He knows what he wants and he'll have the patience to keep training until he achieves it, I'm not Like Asgore, who wants to be A Brave Leader, Or as Strong as Toriel, who wants to show kindness, I'm definitely not like Undyne, She's way too strong and has a strong sense of justice, I'm not like Mettaton who has so Much Perseverance, And I'm not like Alphys, who even though messed up, she had the Integrity to speak the Truth, I'm just me, the weakest monster from the Underground, who only has 1 Hit point, Can only deal 1 damage, and 1 defense, I. . . .don't know what I want to be

You then feel Six's hands intertwine with your own

Six: I know that's not true

Y/n: What do you mean?

Six: Throughout our whole Journey, I've seen all these Traits come from you

Y/n: What?

Six: Y/n, You've Always had Patience with me, even though I sometimes slow you down, you always wait for me, You have always shown me Kindness even when things looked rough, You've Always Stood Brave against the Face of Danger, You have a strong sense of Justice since you always did the Right thing, You have persevered through this whole Journey, and you've had the Integrity to tell me the Truth while still having the Choice to lie to me

Your eyes Widen at what Six was Saying

Six: Don't you see Y/n? You've had these Traits all along, It doesn't matter If you only have 1 Hit Point, or Can only do 1 damage, If you can have all of these Traits then I know that you are the Strongest Monster, That is the Y/n I fell in Love with

Tears threatened to Spill out from your eyes

Y/n: My Weak Soul can't handle all of those Traits, even if they are less powerful in Monsters

My little Nightmare (Male Human Sans Reader x Teen Six)Where stories live. Discover now