Part 29. Last minute

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Narrator's POV

You climb up a ladder and open a hatch that was above you

Y/n: This must have been where Six went

You climb up from under the hatch, and enter a new room, one you haven't seen before

Y/n: But where to now?

You looked around, trying to find any signs or clues to where Six could have gone, and that's when you spot it, a broken vase next to an elevator

Y/n: There's no doubt about it, Six definitely went through here

You walk up to the elevator, you summoned a bone and threw it at the elevator button


The elevator doors open and you step in

You then check your soul

HP 1/1

Y/n: Good, looks like small things don't do much to my soul

You waited for the elevator to reach it's stop


Everything started shaking

Y/n: What was that? Did the entire Maw just shake?

Whatever made that wasn't a good sign


The elevator doors open and you run out of the elevator

Y/n: I don't have much time left, Six is probably in trouble

After running off the elevator you stumbled into a Library with a stairwell that led up to the next floor

Y/n: Where could she have gone?

You run up the stairs, but stopped halfway, you look and see a door open, and on the ground was a lock

You took a peak, and instantly notice that the next room was really dark

Y/n: I don't have any other choice

You step inside and the door slams behind you


You feel the entire place shake again, only this time, it was more powerful

Y/n: Damnit, please don't tell me I'm too late, not when I'm so close

You start to run through the dark room, not paying attention to anything in it

Y/n: Hold on Six, just a little bit longer

Six's POV

Six: *Huff* *Huff*

???: You don't understand, do you child?

I can feel my legs were shaking, my breathing was getting heavier

???: You are no match for me

Standing in front of me, was her

My little Nightmare (Male Human Sans Reader x Teen Six)Where stories live. Discover now