Part 30. A Sansational Finale

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Narrator's POV

You and Six climbed up the ladder and climb up through the hatch, you then make your way to the elevator

You summon a bone and throw it at the button


The elevator doors open and you both step in

You then check your soul once again

HP .9/1

Y/n: (Those attacks didn't take as much health as other times)

Six: Are you hurt?

You look over at Six who seemed worried

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine

She looked at your damaged body which was wrapped in bandages

Y/n: Don't worry about me, I can still fight

Six: I. . . .I know. . . .I just can't stop thinking that you're like this. . .because of me

You pat Six gently on her head

Y/n: I already told you not to worry about that

You stopped patting her and looked back at your soul

Y/n: Six. . .In this final battle, I'm going to go all out

Six: Y/n, you don't mean. . . . .

You nod

Y/n: I'm going to use all of my magic


Y/n: I know, but it's our only choice, it's either I go all out, and I die, or I hold back and we both die

Six: I Don't want either of those outcomes

Y/n: I'm sorry Six, but it's the only way


Her response made you flinch

Six: I already lost you once, I'm not going to let that happen again, besides, I know the Lady's weakness

Y/n: Her weakness?

She nods

Six: Throughout all of these rooms, there has been a common theme

Y/n: Theme?

Six: Something that's been in every room

Y/n: I didn't really pay attention to all of the rooms, I was focused on more important things

Six: Well, in all of these rooms, there have been broken mirrors

Y/n: Broken mirrors, so her weakness is. . .?

Six: Her weakness is a special mirror

Y/n: A special mirror?

She nods

Y/n: Are you sure? That seems a bit weird, and where would we get a special mirror?

Six: Well, when I was fighting her, I happened to get a glimpse of a mirror that was hidden away

Y/n: And you believe that mirror is special?


The elevator doors open and you both step out

Six: Please just trust me, there's a reason why that mirror is hidden, and it must be because it's her weakness

Y/n: I guess in a way that could be true, but are you sure it will work?

My little Nightmare (Male Human Sans Reader x Teen Six)Where stories live. Discover now