Chapter 1

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Jake was a bit curious, he always thought about how he will die, I mean, no one really knows right? Maybe he will get hit by a car or two, or maybe murder? Dying of an old death would be boring but that's probably how it's going to happen. But this was definitely not something he thought of.

"LIAM!" Jake shouted as he crashed through the door "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" He's face was burning with a mix of embarrassment and rage, sprinkled with just the right amount of betrayal. It was the third time it had happened ever since Jake made the mistake of telling Liam and Henry about the cute regular, who only ever ordered iced coffee. Jake was gripping tightly onto a clear coffee cup, on it Liam had written something VERY embarrassing. If Jake had just noticed it a moment later the cute boy would have seen it. After he would have to quit his job, find a new apartment in Japan and get a haircut and-

"Jake, whatever it is I'm sure it's really not that bad-" Hailey tried to intervene, a mistake, really.

"Not that bad?!" Jake widened his eyes at his coworker, how could she? "Hailey, he could have found out! You know I have had a crush on Drew ever since last month!"

Drew, the regular, was the one that Jake was head over heels in love with, the cute person that made Jake's heart do 360s everytime he stared into his eyes. Maybe it's his hair, it always looks so silky and smooth. Or the shade of dark brown that his eyes are. Whatever it was Jake knew one feeling when Drew was around, and that was 'I.want.him.'

"Well what did he do anyways?" Hailey asked.

"Look at it!" Jake handed the coffee cup to Hailey "Looks! Liam literally wrote 'hope I cya 'round cutie' with a winky face!"

"Come Jake, just let us have our fun." Henry added watching the whole scene unfold.

"I can't believe you guys." Jake muttered while setting himself to work making another cup of coffee for Drew. At the moment Liam came out of storage with a fresh stack of cups.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" He questioned looking around the room.

"I'll make Drew's coffee from now on." Jake announced with authority.

"Unless you get a shift at the register." Liam said as he walked past Jake to set the cups down "so I take it that you found out, lover boy?"

"Whatever! Just stop writing these things!" Jake glared at Liam

"Can't make promises." Liam said through a grin as he slipped through the doors.

Jake didn't say a word as he went out the door to personally deliver Drew's coffee to him. He pushed open the double doors that lead to the front of the shop. He at once saw Drew at his usual spot by the window. It was a bit slow today, a couple was sharing desserts at the corner table. Otherwise beside Drew the shop was empty. A new cup of beverage in hand, he approached the boy.

"Hey sorry for making you wait." Jake sheepishly said.

"Oh, it's ok, I don't mind." Drew said with a smile as he took the coffee.

"Well um ok, I'll- i'll just go back now." Jakes began to feel hot as words fell out of his mouth.

He rushed into the safe space of the kitchen, which was 100% Drew free. Turning to the sink full of dirty plates that's just sitting there. Somehow he was mad, I mean, humans had the technology to send objects to SPACE, out of their own freaking planet and they still don't have self-cleaning plates?! He let out a sign before starting to wash the plates.


"Bye guys I'm going home now!" Jake said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Bye Jake" all three said in unison.

A chuckle escaped as he walked out the doors. As he left he held his gaze at the spot Drew had just sat at earlier. Maybe one day he would tell Drew, and maybe in one of his daydreams Drew would like him back.

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