Chapter 4

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Drew paced around his room, soft strands of sunlight streamed through the windows. His bed was unmade, he was debating on calling the number on the cup.

Oh yeah, also dont forget there is his stupid crush on Jake.

Drew's hand hovered over the call button, a million scenarios ran through his head. Did Jake really want Drew to find his number? Before he did something stupid, like actually calling Jake, he put away his phone. Drew put on his favourite black hoodie and grey sweatpants, roughly combed his hair with his hand then headed out the door. No need for breakfast. He exited the apartment building, fresh air rushed around him. Drew started fast walking, the early morning breeze danced through his hair. Cars flew past him and he saw people going on about their day. After 10 minute of walking he arrived at the shop. It was 7, the shop had just opened. Drew walked in. He scanned the shop for Jake. He gripped onto the coffee cup. Drew stood helplessly in the middle of the empty building.

Eventually someone came to the registers. The person had dark red hair and freckles scattered across this face. Drew walked awkwardly up to him.

"Umm Hi?" The guy said, Drew saw his name tag, it had 'Liam' printed across in black ink.

"Hey I just wanted to ask..." Drew couldn't believe what he was about to ask, he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. His face heated up with embarrassment. "Is... is Jake here?"

"Oh yes, he's late though, would you like to wait for a bit?" Liam offered.

"Yeah, sure."

Drew sat down on the table next to the window, gazing out at the cars. He desperately wanted to leave, but he forced himself to stay to at least talk to Jake. His mind was restless, maybe this is it, maybe Jake really wants to be friends... or even more-

"You're Drew right?" The tall boy asked.

"Huh?" Drew was startled by this sudden attempt at convention. "Umm yeah, how do you know?"

"Ugh how could I not? All Jake has been talking about for the past month is you."

Drew felt his eyes widen, Jake, talking about him? Now he can feel his face glow with heat. Oh god, what does he mean by 'Jake has been talking about you'.

"Oh I wanna be friends with the cute regular, but I'm too shy~ oh I just found out his name is Drew! Liam please give me advice I'm so awkward." Liam continued in a high pitch whining voice, "you know, it's actually good that you are trying to talk to Jake, he's hopeless." Liam said while wiping down the counter.

Cute?! Jake thinks Drew is cute?! Drew felt his heart speed up involuntarily. Could this be true? Drew didn't even know that Jake liked boys until now. Now maybe he's got a chance with the barista.

Drew was just about to ask about if Jake really called him cute when someone came crashing through the doors. Quickly both of their attention were turned to see who just about broke the double glass doors. Only Jake stood in the tall doorway, hands on his knees desperately trying to catch his breath. Drew's first reaction was *'get out of here so you don't have to ask him about whatever he wrote on the cup because what if it's a dare or a prank'* Drew had to basically turn away and dig his feet into the ground to prevent his body from running away as far as possible. Drew was already blushing hard, he felt like he could be mistaken for a tomato. Suddenly his stomach felt heavy and his head felt dizzy, maybe it was a mistake not eating breakfast.

"You're late." Liam said, crossing his arms.

"L-Liam" Jake said through his breath.

"Whatever, anyways, someone's here to speak to you."

Jake looked up, confused, then looked around to see Drew. Jake shot up, straightening his clothes. Trying to even out his breathing. He looked so shocked to see Drew here, Jake slowly walked to where Drew was sitting.

"Uh- hello?" Jake said blushing.

"I um-" Drew wanted to ask about the coffee cup but now he was at a loss for words. His lips were dry, Instead he just handed Jake the cup.

Jake was confused for a second, then his eyes widened to the size of about, um, dinner plates? He glared at Liam who was not trying not to laugh. Jake was redder than Drew, he placed the cup down at the table.

"I- um- I-I can explain!" He basically shouted.

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