Chapter 3

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Drew walked towards the coffee shop, the sky was a brilliant shade of blue and clouds drifted around carelessly. He needed a break from his work, so why not go for a coffee? He really hoped the cute blond haired boy is working today, Drew's heart tends to skip beats whenever the cute barista trips over his words. You might think it's impossible for someone to fall in love with a person that they only didn't even know the name of two weeks ago, but apparently it was possible. While Jake was brewing Drew's coffee every time he ordered, Drew was brewing a massive crush. By now it's almost becoming an obsession. The worst part is he didn't even have the nerve to ask for Jake's number!

He pushed the glass doors into the shop, the smell of coffee and cake immediately hit him. Drew could tell it was a busy day. Almost every table was full, a long line extended from the two registers. He stood in an endless line and pulled out his phone, waiting for his turn.

It was eventually his turn to order. He looked up from his phone to face the blue haired girl.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" The girl at the register asked.

"Just a small iced coffee with cream and sugar please." Drew said then watch as the girl punched buttons on the machine.

"Anything else?"

"No thanks."

"Alright that would be 6.40."

Drew handed her the money then went to wait. It was then he heard a familiar voice call out order numbers. He glanced up to directly look at Jake. His heart quickened as he turned his attention back to his phone, he couldn't help but notice how good Jake looked.



Drew forced himself to face the boy, oh god, did he forget to wash his hair yesterday? What if there is something one his face? Well it was too late now. Shuffling toward the pick-up counter he stood awkwardly in front of the blond haired boy. Words were stuck on his tongue.

"Hey thanks." He managed while getting his coffee, carefully watching Jake's expression.

"Huh?" Jake looked up, it was obvious that he wasn't paying attention. "Oh, um n-no problem."

Drew walked off, his cheeks flushed with warmth, why does he have to be so goddamn awkward?! He sipped the coffee, the cool and sweet liquid filled him with a pleasant feeling.


It wasn't until he arrived home that he saw the writings on his coffee cup. He had just sat it down at his table in the living room when the black writing caught his eye.

call me ;) xxx-xxx-xxx

Could you possibly be scared of a clear coffee cup? Maybe scared isn't the right word, embarrassed? Flattered? Well whatever the feeling is it can go die in a hole. Drew's face instantly went red, it felt like it was 40 degrees inside his apartment. What does he do? What does someone usually do when their crush writes their number on their drink?!

After a few minutes of trying to breath Drew finally calmed down. Now it's the real question, does he call the number?

It could be a prank, but what if Jake actually wanted to give Drew his number? What if it's some random person's number because Jake found out Drew liked him and this is his way of telling you he doesn't like Drew back? Oh god, what if Jake actually likes him back? What does he do then? Ask him on a date?!

But now he had work to do. He walked into his bedroom and sat down on his desk. Flipping open the Macbook he scanned all of his leftover homework.





The silence of the night magnified the sounds of his clock. Drew had a headache from staring at his screen for too long. The words all melted together, pictures were distorted, it was obvious he needed to rest. Drew checked the clock.


He really needed to sleep, with groan he closed his laptop and stepped out of his room. Drew wanted nothing more than to fall in bed right here and now and sleep. Despite the fact his body is literally begging him to sleep Drew went to the bathroom, the second thing he really, desperately wants is a hot shower.


Drew felt refreshed after his shower, after collapsing into bed he pulled the sheet over him, drifting off into a deep sleep.




Henry: Oi you still here
Liam: Yes Henry
Henry: I did something 😏
Liam: oh god what is it
Henry: I may or may not have wrote Jakes number on Drew's order today
Liam: omg
Henry: 😏

(I added the bonus because this chapter didn't turn out as good as I would have liked, sorry)

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