Chapter 2

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"So what I'm saying is you'll have to ask him eventually." Jake said as he swiftly grabbed a cup from the stack. "I mean you can't hold it off forever."

"Excuse me, I don't need advice from someone who gets flustered everytime Drew walks in."

"Your loss Liam."

Jake was working a doubles shift today, it was the afternoon rush. People were yelling over each other, millions of private conversations drowned out the pleasant pop music that was playing today. It was 1 PM when Henry walked in.

"Hey guys." He waved as he walked towards the locker room.

"Hey." Liam replied without looking back.

Ok fine, Jake admits Liam is way better at hiding his crush, but whatever! Jake knows Liam has been crushing hard on Henry ever since middle school. Something Liam didn't know was that Henry was in love too, but Jake swore to both of them that he wouldn't tell.

Plus it's fun to see these idiots acting like this.

Jake danced around the kitchen, grabbing some ingredients here and there and starting another order when he started the blenders. Today was busy, which means Jake gotta work on both serving the drinks and making them. He rushed out the door with the freshly made drink and delivered them. He navigated around the tables scattered around the shop. While he was out there he also picked up several dirty dishes, let's hope Henry would wash them today. His heart stopped once he reached the double door, he glanced back and saw none other than Drew standing in line. What a bad time for his heart to suddenly skip beats.

He pushed into the kitchen, almost dropping his stack of plates. He carefully placed them in the sink.

"Oh Henry, you are so amazing and I love you with all my heart." Jake said dramatically as he approached Henry.

Henry sighed "fine, I'll do the dishes today."


He stared at the orders shown on the small tv screen, trying to memorise it all. Then he started making new drinks for the millionth time. He completely forgot about Drew, which was a good thing, he thinks.

After he was done he went to the counter, stared at the orders numbers and began yelling them out.

"ORDER 163" he called.

A young woman came to collect the order, then a group of boys collected the group of drinks that were ordered together.

It was time to disappear into the kitchen again.

As soon as he entered the door he heard shouts from Liam and Henry.

"Jake! Take these orders out!"

Jake obeyed, bringing a new round of drink out front. He read the orders.

"CHAI LATTE FOR 172!" Jake shouted. He handed out a few more drinks before he got to 179. "ICED COFFEE WITH SUGAR AND CREAM FOR 179!"

Jake should have thought about it, but he didn't. He knew his job too well, it's like autopilot when he makes and puts out the drinks. He didn't notice the cute boy when he came and collected his order.

"Hey thanks." Drew casually said grabbing his coffee.

"Huh?" Jake looked up,seeing Drew. "Oh, um n-no problem."

Then Drew walked off, leaving Jake kicking himself mentally. Why does Drew get to make his hearts skip beats? And who said he was allowed to be this beautiful?! It's just not fair. But time doesn't stop for him, he still got stuff to do. Somehow he managed to drag himself back to the kitchen, wishing the shift would end.

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