A week of dentition

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Later that day the teacher came back with another note that said YOU HAVE ANOTHER WEEK IN HERE WITH MORE BOYS!!!!I turned around and looked at Hayes with the look that said thanks ass.He just smiled and held up the same note.I did the arenyou fuckin kidding me look!So the next week came and I was there all Hayes, Cameron, Taylor, and the Jacks.When they all got there they came in holdin a stack of papers that they had to do all this week.So they all went and sat in the back of the room and took out paper to throw at me.The next thing I know is all the guys say Let's see who came hit Emma with paper balls!I turn around to tell them no and get hit in the face by paper balls.The next day Nash came.When the teacher left to go to have lunch she forgot to lock the door back.So we all looked at each other and then said Let's go have fun!!!!I looked at Nash and he looked at me like come on.

So we were all running a rounding the halls avoiding the teachers.Then Taylor goes Whose up for lunch?We look at him like did you really just ask that question.We all ran to his locker got his lunch and ran back to the class.We were one hallway away from the class when my shoe came untied.I stopped to tie it when I saw Hayes was right there waiting for me to finish tying my shoe.When they all got back to the class they all looked at each other like were are the other two?When I got done he helped me up.We were walking down the hallway in silence when he said You do know that you have really beautiful eyes?I looked at him like really then said Thanks I guess?!Hayes?I say.Yea?He says back.Why are you so mean to me when Kayla is around?He just looked at me then pushed me against a locker and then kissed me an said That's why!I looked him like what the fuck.

When we reached the room Nash and them said WHERE THE HELL HAVE Y'ALL BEEN?I had to tie my shoe and he stayed by me.Then they do the are you kidding me look at us.So after we ate Nash asked me if I was still pissed off.I looked at him and said No!Well are you and Hayes talking?Nash asked.I look down trying to hide the fact that I was blushing really bad at the question and the though that he kissed me made it even worse.So are you every gonna answer that back or nah?I look up and they all look at how bad I was blushing and then they all looked at Hayes like what happened. Then he said Well when she asked me why I was mean to her when Kayla is around I pushed her into a locker and kissed her.They all say DAMN!!!!!!Then look at me like really?I just nod yep.Then Hayes says I'm breaking up with Kayla tomorrow!!!

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