I am the hybrid

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"...You're a Gilbert." Nik realised and I nodded. "Yes I am." I told him staring at him directly in the eyes while taking a step closer to my sister. "Ah Cassandra I thought you were different, one of my first true friends in a very long time. But the moment you discover who I really am, you run away. To bad you didn't run fast enough." As Nik spoke he acted completely different to the way he did when I met him in Chicago, there he was really friendly and happy for the most part but now its like he is a completely different person. The person everyone else sees, the hybrid.

"Nik..." I began nervously truly feeling guilt for abandoning him as I did, I hurt him so much that he is now hiding behind a mask to speak to me. Before I could say another word the doors to the gym opened revealing Bonnie and Matt. "Run!" I called out to them as Elena yelled. "Bonnie, get out of here!" Before the pair could even move Nik appeared before them. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." He spoke looking at Bonnie before glancing over at a poor student who had been struggling to stand on one leg, clearly compelled. "Ah, Dana. Why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." Still standing against the wall I made to move towards the two clueless and frightened students but before I could even take a step Nik turned around staring at me with a hardened gaze. "Do not take a step Cassandra." He thinks I'm going to listen to him? "Yeah no. Nik you can't tell me what to do." I told him waking towards the poor kids, sitting beside them in an attempt to provide some form of comfort to them in their clearly frightened states.

"I assume you're the reason Elena's still up and walking around alive?" He asked. Bonnie held his gaze. "That's right. If you want someone to blame, blame me." Nik shook his head lightly. "Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused to problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." I rolled my eyes. "Yo Nik, if you're the all great and powerful hybrid why don't you find the fix yourself?" I called to him but I was ignored. Rude.

A bang sounded as a door was pushed open with a large force, through the door entered Rebekah dragging Tyler. "get off of me!" He yelled. "Hush now." Was all Rebekah told him. I leaned towards Elena and whispered. "That's Rebekah, Nik's sister." She nodded shocked not saying a word. I looked up at Nik to see him looking at me with narrowed eyes, aww I bet I ruined his big reveal of 'Wow Klaus has a sister? Oh no!' I smiled innocently as I shrugged. "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean." Nik told everyone adding the last part just to spite his sister. Rebekah scoffed as she threw Tyler in Nik's arms. "Don't be an Ass." Beside me Elena finally used her voice. "Leave him alone!" No one listened to her. "I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible actually." Nik bit into his wrist making me cringe in disgust before he forced Tyler to drink his blood. I gasped standing up. "No! Don't you dare Nik!"

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake. You'd better hurry." Before anyone could react Nik snapped Tylers neck, killing him. I rushed towards Tyler as his body was dropped to the floor but I didn't reach him before someone pulled me back, I expected it to be Niklaus but it was Rebekah. "What is she doing here?" She asked shocked her hand grasping on my arm. "Well one - She is right here, why don't you ask her yourself?" I told her sounding harsher than I had wanted."Fine, what are you doing here Cassie?" She asked annoyed. But I didn't know what to say so I didn't respond so Rebekah looked towards Nik. "It turns out that our stubborn friend is the dopplegangers sister." I pulled my arm away from the shocked vampire and moved towards Matt who sat beside Tylers body. "He killed him" Matt muttered in astonishment. "He's not dead... Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena tried to comfort Matt. "And if Bonnie's successful, he will live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires, enchantments and what not. I'll hold onto Elena ... for safe keeping."

Wait... does this mean I get to leave? Wow. Yay? I don't know whether I should be happy or sad... I really thought of Nik as my best friend and Rebekah as a new friend as well but I don't know what to do anymore. I want to be their friend but they are... the bad guys? Right? I just wish that for once my life could be normal and I know it sounds really selfish but its true. Although technically if my life was normal and the supernatural didn't exist my sister would probably be dead and I would have never met Niklaus and Rebekah as they would have died lifetimes before I was even born. Ah this is all too much!

Rebekah huffed looking at Elena up and down. "I simply cannot believe that you are related to the latest doppleganger. The original one was much prettier." She stated and it was my turn to look confused as I was almost certain the definition of a doppleganger is that they look the same. "Enough, Rebekah." Nik started. "Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?". Rebekah groaned "Fine! Can I take Cassie with me?" She asked to which she was immediately told "no" by Nik. "Ugh, you are no fun" Glaring at Nik Rebekah grabbed Tyler by his arm and began to angrily drag him from the gym leaving Niklaus with Elena and I. "Just ignore her. Petty little thing."

With Rebekah gone, Elena was kneeling beside Dana and Chad. While I sat on the bleaches beside Nik who had finally pulled his full attention to me looking at me with a cold expression on his face and I noticed his fingers twitch as if he wanted to punch something or someone ... hopefully not me since I kinda like living. "Ok look Nik - I mean Klaus" I began, holding my hands up in slight surrender. "I know you're angry and hurt, and I'm sorry okay but I couldn't exactly keep in contact with you when I found out who you were. I had to do what was best for my family. What would you expect me to do, run to you and be your best friend while I watch you hurt my family? I don't think so!" He looked like he was about to say something but stopped glancing at Elena who was comforting Dana. Turning back to look at me he glared masking his hurt. "You'd had better be careful love, don't forget who I am." I stared at him, trying to see past that mask. "And who are you exactly?"

"I am the hybrid." 

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