Completely mad?

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"Tell me... what is it that your friends say about me?" Nik asked when I didn't respond to his question. I don't think I am afraid of him ... but his actions instead perhaps. "They tell me that you're a monster!" I snapped. "Do you agree with them?" He asked and I paused, of course I don't. I didn't tell him that though. "Maybe I should after all you are the one who sacrificed my sister and killed my aunt!" Nik tugged me closer and I glared at him. "Come now love, don't be so harsh. How was I supposed to know you where family." He commented gently. "It doesn't matter whether they where-are my family or not. Let's say we never met and I was living with my family at the time, am I right to guess that I'd be one of your victims?" I spat at him. He didn't reply but turned away from me. And there was my answer.

"Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" I jumped in shock as Rebekah sped into the room straight for Elena. "What are you talking about?" Nik demanded, Rebekah showed him a phone with a picture of Elena wearing the necklace Stefan gave her. "She has my necklace. Look." Nik turned to look at Stefan. "Well, well. More lies."

"Where is it!?" Rebekah demanded again. "I don't have it anymore." Elena tried to tell Rebekah but she didn't believe her. "You're lying!" Rebekah sped towards Elena reading to bite into her neck but on instinct I jumped in front of my sister taking the force of Rebekah's attack. Unable to stop herself she bit into my neck causing pain to spread through me, burning across my skin. Almost immediately after she removed herself a hand to her mouth with horrified look across her face as Nik glared ferociously at her.

Rebekah quickly bit into her wrist and shoved it towards my face. "Drink." She told me but I shook my head, I don't want to risk becoming a vampire. "No." I denied her stepping back. "Please Cassie." She begged me but I still denied her. "No! I refuse!" She didn't care, I could see the guilt in her eyes for attacking me and I knew she just wanted to make it right in her own way but I didn't want to drink her or any vampires blood for that matter. Rebekah forced her wrist against my mouth and I was forced to swallow the vile metallic taste of blood down my throat. It healed me but it was disgusting and I would have preferred to go to the hospital. 

Before I knew what was happening Rebekah had shoved her own bloody wrist into my mouth forcing me to drink her blood. It was disgusting and despite the fact that it healed me I would have preferred to just go to the hospital.

"Make her tell me where it is Nik!" Rebekah yelled at her brother who lent down towards Elena. "Sweetheart, why don't you tell us where the necklace is." Nik asked as Elena who shook in fear. "I'm telling the truth, Katherine stole it!" Oh right, Elena's doppleganger the root of so many of my sisters problems. Nik smiled to himself. "Katerina, of course" He stood up again. "Well that's unfortunate if we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch but since we're doing this the hard way. Let's put a clock on it, shall we." Nik walked over to the side of the gym and set a timer for 20 minutes. 

"Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then I want you to feed again only this time I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." I hugged my sister close to me as I glared at him. "Klaus, don't do this to him." Elena begged desperately. "No one leaves, if she tries to run fracture her spine!" I jumped up. "Let Elena go!" I yelled at his retreating figure. "Make Stefan feed on me for goodness sake but let her go please!" I begged, great I can't believe I have resorted to begging. Nik turned around walking back towards me "You're coming with me love." Grabbing my wrist he began dragging me out of the gym away from my sister. "I will kill you if my sister dies!" I screamed pulling against his hold you know just in case he suddenly becomes weaker then me. I was pulled into a random classroom where he finally released my wrist from his grasp. "Nik please, if our friendship means anything to you, don't let Stefan kill my sister. Please." I begged him again, I couldn't lose Elena after every one else. It would be all my fault - I am the older sister, it is my duty to look after Elena and Jeremy. "Cassie, I assure you your sister will not die tonight unless it is absolutely necessary. I am merely testing Stefan and giving the witch an incentive to work faster." Nik tried to assure me. I narrowed my eyes. "Absolutely necessary?" I questioned. "If the doppleganger needs to die in order for my hybrids to survive then you sister will die tonight. I do wish she doesn't for your sake." He told me. "Not that that even makes any of this any better. But thanks I suppose for trying." 

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