Everything has changed

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Mystics Falls is cursed, that is what I am now certain of. I wish I had made the decision to get myself along with Elena and Jeremy out of the forsaken town, but it is now too late. 

My sister is, or will become a vampire. And of course, that does nothing to change my love for her, but she is my baby sister and to see her become this creature that I know she never wanted to become I don't know if I could bare to see it. I don't know how she will cope or what she will decide. 

Elena woke up, not long ago but the Salvatore brothers told me and Jeremy to keep our distance while they broke the news to her. They warned us that she may have difficulty controlling her new found bloodlust. I sat at the kitchen table, clutching an untouched cup of tea in my hands that had long ago gone cold. Eventually Damon and Stefan came downstairs and I took that as my chance to see my little sister. 

Stefan stopped me for a moment. "Be careful, ok?" I simply nodded before heading upstairs. As I found my way to Elena's room I walked past Jeremy, who looked nothing but miserable I sent him a sad smile before continuing on my way. 

"Ellie?" I called. Elena turned to me, a smile on her face. "Hey Cassie, are you ok?" I laughed, tears forming in my eyes. "Am I ok? Oh El, I should be the one asking you that? Tell me, how are you feeling? I know this all must be a lot for you." 

"Well other than the fact I can't stop thinking about blood, I'm perfectly fine." She tried to reassure me. "Are you really?" I asked her and her smile dropped to a frown tears forming in her eyes. "I can't do this Cass, I can't become a vampire!" I drew my sister in a tight hug. "I know, sweetheart, I know and no matter what happens I will be here for you" I told her, she hugged me back before suddenly drawing back away from me. "Thank you, Cassie, I mean it but I think it's best if you keep your distance from me for now I don't want to risk hurting you." Elena told me, sadly. "Are you sure? I know you won't hurt me." She shook her head. "No, please. I can't risk losing you, Cassie. I have Stefan and Damon here for me, you don't have to worry besides I know that Klaus's death must have hurt you to hear about." She explained, and I was surprised at how selfless she was being. It only made me sadder to know that just as she was beginning to become more mature, she could very well die in the next twenty-four hours. 

"If that's what you want El, I'll give you some space but promise me you'll call me if you need me and before you make your decision," I explained, keeping my tears at bay for her sake. "I promise, I love you so much, Cassie. You are the best sister anyone could hope for," she told me. "I love you too Elena, so very much."


I decided to get out of the house for a little while and give Elena her space to think about what she was going to do. I know that she was holding onto the hope that Bonnie could somehow save her from her fate, but she needed to be more realistic in my mind. Rebekah had been calling me non-stop, but I couldn't bring myself to speak to her. But I knew who I could talk to, so I called them and hoped they would respond. 

"Cassie, darling I wondered when I would hear from you."

"Hi Kol, it's so good to hear your voice. How are you holding up?" 

"I'm fine I suppose, Niklaus was my brother but he never really cared about me. Not in the way he cared about Elijah or Rebekah, I was never part of their 'always and forever' nonsense." 

"I'm sorry that he didn't treat you the best, but he just died, it's ok not to be ok." 

"I will be ok, you don't have to worry your sweet head about me. Now, how are you? He was your best friend after all." 

"I... I don't know. I said some horrible things to him, the last time we spoke. I had practically ended our friendship when he tried to kill Elena but now he's dead and I... I can't believe I will never see him again, never talk to him again. Nothing about this feels real." 

"You will get through this Cassie, you are surprisingly strong for a human. I would never offer this to anyone else but shall I come back to Mystic Falls for a little visit?" 

"No, you don't need to do that Kol. As you said, I will get through this. Where are you anyway?"

"Presently I am in New York, so much has changed it is incredible. I plan on leaving New York soon, but I am not quite sure where I will go next." 

"I'm sure where ever you go next will be just as amazing!" 

"Cassandra" A voice interrupted my conversation with Kol. Damon. 

"I'm sorry Kol, I'm going to have to call you back." 

"Talk to you soon darling."

 I hung up the phone, turning to Damon with an annoyed expression on my face. "What do you need Damon?" I asked. "Nothing from you. Elena and Stefan have been taken by the council." He exclaimed to me. I gasped. "We have to go help them! Where are they?" I asked, of all the days this had to happen it had to be today. "Yeah, you're not coming," Damon said, walking away. "Then why the hell did you come and tell me?" I questioned annoyed. "I told you so you wouldn't go off and do something stupid when you found Elena missing. Matt and I have it covered, so go home." Damon explained an equally annoyed expression on his face. "Matt's coming? Yeah if he's coming then so am I!" 

Damon placed his hands on my shoulders. "You will only get in the way, Cassandra. Just go home, I promise you I will bring Elena back safe." He tried to persuade me. I shrugged his hands off, feeling my eyes begin to water. "I-I can't" my voice broke. "I can't just sit around waiting. I need to do something, anything to distract me from my thoughts, Damon!" Damon glanced at me with pity, before sighing. "I can't allow you to come with us, you know Elena would have my head if you got hurt. Look, if you want to help go find Bonnie she's trying to find a way to keep Elena human." He told me. "Ok, I can do that." I said, trying to push away my tears. "Good, and Cass if you need someone to talk to, or someone to drink with I'm here." And with that said, Damon patted my arm and sped off. 

Going to help Bonnie would have been a good plan, but I didn't know where she was. I tried calling both her and Jeremy along with stopping by her house but I couldn't find her and no one responded to my calls or messages. 

So feeling lonely and helpless I did the only thing I could - I went home, cried, and spontaneously booked the first flight out of Virginia I could find. In 4 days time, I would be going on a trip I needed to escape even if it was only for a little bit. 

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