You betrayed me? You betrayed me!

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When I woke up in the morning, the house was quiet and empty. 

"Cassandra Gilbert" A voice sounded - Well then... the house is not empty. It scared the shit out of me as I swung around to find the one and only Niklaus Mikaelson. I smiled brightly at my best friend happy to see him again but my smile faltered as I noticed him glaring at me with a murderous gaze. Well shit, am I going to die today? 

 "Uh... what's up Nik?" I asked awkwardly slowly backing, just to be safe. 

Nik prowled towards me as I moved backwards. "You." He gritted out, his gaze burning straight through my head. Yep, I'm going to die. 

"Yeah..... me... Cassie... your friend... right?" I replied confused and honestly pretty scared - if only someone else was home. Anyone else, like anyone! This is why I love and hate being home alone, for one it's great because I have peace and quiet to do whatever I please but then there is a higher chance of a murder coming into the house and killing me. 

"Oh, my friend are you?" He asked in a cold deadly voice. I sent him a bewildered look.  "Well duh, of course, we're friends... Are you suffering from memory loss??? Do you need to see a doctor?!" 

"I didn't know friends betrayed their friends." What the hell is this boy going on about?! How in this stupid world have I betrayed him! "Um excuse me?" I demanded sassily putting my arms on my hips at his accusation. 

"You betrayed me, Cassandra." Nik merely explained. "What!?? When?" Yo, either I suffered from memory loss myself or this kid hit his head on his way here.

"Don't take me for a fool. I thought you were different you know, clearly, I was wrong. My very own sister and my best friend both plotting with my father for my demise." He yelled angrily. My eyes widened, WHAT? 

"Nik... my sister and her friends killed your father didn't they. We spoke about this the other night?" I carefully said, was this the plan what they had been hiding from me. "Oh like you didn't know!" Nik spoke sarcastically. "Don't take that tone with me, young man. I admit I knew my sister and her gang were planning something but I had no idea your father was in on it or that they planned to kill you!" 

"You have obviously wanted me dead the moment you found out who I was! I killed your aunt! I sacrificed your sister! Don't even try to tell me you didn't know! You call yourself my friend, but clearly you're the opposite Cassandra!" He spat, yelling at me. 

Goodbye calm Cassandra. 

"I am your friend you stupid idiot!! Get this through your thick-headed skull. I. Did. Not. Take. Part. Or. Know. About. This. Plan. To. Kill. You. Of course I know what you have done to my family and I don't think I will ever ever forgive you for that but you are still my friend no matter what because I know you and would never want to kill you Niklaus. You need to deal with these freaking trust issues of yours or else I'll send you to a therapist to talk about your feelings! Ok?! Ok!!" I was pretty much screaming at the idiot, who had stopped all movement and was staring at me suspiciously. 

"How am I supposed to trust you Cassandra?" Nik finally asked after he simply stared at me for what felt like hours. 

"I would have hoped you already did trust me. If you truly must know -  I'll take off my vervain bracelet, I haven't had vervain in two days so compel me if you must know." I began to remove my bracelet but a hand stopped me. I looked up at Nik. "I... trust you. I'm sorry Cassie." 

I smiled gently at my friend. "I'm glad. Now tell me all that I have missed since you returned!" 


Not long after Nik left, the both of us on good terms Elena and Alaric showed up at the house claiming that Jeremy had been fired from his job weeks ago and were prepared to corner him when he arrived home. Rest in peace little brother. 

Then Elena proceeded to kick me out of the house, telling me to go get fresh air instead of staying inside all day as usual. My own little sister telling me what to do! What has this world come to? I did go for a walk though, and it was quite lovely actually, it was a beautiful day and I was glad that I went outside though I wouldn't tell my sister that. 

I was strolling up the path on our street, heading back home when I noticed someone standing in the road. Not a moment later a car came barreling down the street heading straight for... JEREMY??? I started running towards him but was too far down the path to reach him in time. 

Fortunately, Ric managed to push him away in time - Unfortuanetly Ric got hit by the car instead. I rushed up to Elena and Jeremy who were by Ric's body. Well he's dead. 

Its a very very lucky thing he wears the Gilbert, if not he'd be dead dead. "He's going to be ok" Elena explained. Yes, but how many times can he die until he isn't ok though. 

"Are you ok?" I asked the both of my siblings."I don't understand" Jeremy mumbled. "Who was that on the phone earlier?" Elena asked hurriedly. "It was Klaus" Are you kidding me, just when I think things are good with him. "You were compelled Jeremy" Elena explained. 

"You two get Ric inside now, look after him. I have something to deal with." I told them standing up, anger and determination clear on my face. "Don't do anything stupid Cass" Elena warned, oh little sister you can't tell me what to do. "When do I ever?" I simply told her before getting in my car and driving off. 

That bloody stupid puppy hybrid. 

The moment I arrived at Niks half built mansion I stormed inside. 

"You! You betrayed me!" 

Wrong number ❖ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now