Street Chase

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-3rd person POV-

The quiet streets of an evening in Hereford were interrupted by the loud rukkus of the multiple engines participating in the street chase that took place in the winding roads of England.  As the four members of Team Rainbow chased down the White Mask suspects, civilians looked on at the chase, watching in awe.

"Okay, can someone please tell me how a simple weapons-dealing bust turned into a full-fledged Fast and Furious sequence!?"  Eir (Y/N) spoke over the comms, slamming the brakes on his ATV to narrowly avoid slamming into the side of a White Mask vehicle as it banked a 90 degree turn.

"Our intel was bad!"  Ash spoke from the shotgun seat of Caveira's 911 RSR.  "They knew we were on to them.  They let us believe we had the upper hand!"

"Yeah that's been happening a lot recently!"  Caveira dissed, drifting a turn and flooring the accelerator.  "Where, may I ask, does this intel come from?"  she asked.

"You may ask"  Ash spoke, racking the slide of her 5.7.  Caveira scoffed in hurt and offense as she, Y/N, and Mozzie chased down the White Mask vehicles.  As they got close, Mozzie signaled to Y/N to go around left.  Nodding, Y/N pulled to the left of the farthest back White Mask vehicle, while Mozzie pulled around right.  Knowing the plan, Y/N reached out, and knocked on the passenger window, waving at the terrorists, then giving them the finger.

All the while, Mozzie primed his PEST launcher.  One hand on the handle of his dirt bike, he took aim at the black sedan, and fired, the projectile hitting the car right on top of the gas cap.  "PEST deployed.   Y/N, pull out now"  he commanded.

"Acknowledged"  Y/N spoke, slowing down, allowing the sedan to drive out in front of him.  A few seconds later, the sedan began losing control, driving zigzagged on the road before finally driving right into a rock on the side of the backroad they had just entered.

"One down, three to go"  Mozzie confirmed, revving his dirtbike to catch up to the next car in line.

"Remember, objective is in the lead car!  Whatever you do, Mozzie, don't trash it!"  Ash reminded, rolling down the passenger window, earning a concerning side glare from Caveira.

"Ash, what are you doing?"  she asked, worryingly, as Ash undid her seatbelt.

"Just keep driving,"  she informed.  "Try and get close behind the second car!"  she spoke.  Nodding, Caveira gave the RSR all she got, narrowly catching up to it.  Once she was about a good 10 feet from the White Mask vehicle, Ash hooked her feet around the handle of the passenger door, and leaned completely out the window.  Before Caveira could even process the action, Ash had fired 8 rounds into both rear tires of the car, and she watched in awe and excitement as the White Mask vehicle flew over her car, crashing down behind them.  "Two down, two to go"  Ash spoke into the headset, resituating herself into the passenger seat. 

"Mozzie and I got the lead car"  Y/N called over the comms.  "Just make sure the other one doesn't get away!"

"With pleasure"  Caveira smiled, swerving right, and placing herself next to the White Mask sedan.  "You did a reckless stunt.  Now it's my turn"  she said, smirking to Ash as she removed her seatbelt.  "Take the wheel".  Ash looked at her, eyebrows knit.

"You trust me to take the wheel of your thousand-pound car?" she asked, unbuckling her own seatbelt.  Cav smirked.

"About as much as you trust me with information that can determine the success of a mission, but right now, you're the only one in the car besides me"  she spoke, rolling the window down all the way, grabbing her SPAS 15 from the back seat.  Ash sighed, beginning to shift towards the driver seat.  Once Caveira had secured her weapon, she began climbing out of the driver's window, allowing enough room for Ash to be able to drive the Porsche and keep it next to the White Mask sedan.  Once out of the car, Cav climbed onto the RSR's roof, slinging her shotgun behind her back.  "Keep her steady!"  she radioed to Ash.

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