All Part of the Plan...More or Less

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-3rd person POV-

"This place is huge"  Y/N muttered, walking down the hall of the 2nd floor of Mace's, readjusting the tie he wore, blending in as a security guard.

"You can relate Y/N"  Mozzie smirked through the comms.  Y/N became beet red, stuttering back into the comms.

"Uh...I's not really THAT grand.-"

"Oh shut it."  Caveira interrupted.  "I can confirm it's huge and feels heavenly"  she retorted, earning hysterical laughter from Mute and Mozzie, and causing Y/N to blush even harder.  Even Ash gave a small chuckle.

"Okay okay guys come on now"  Ash laughed, calming down.  "Focus on the mission at hand and not Y/N's girth"

"Not helping Ash!"  Y/N spoke, causing a laugh in response from the redhead.  Sighing, Y/N shut off his comm, reminding himself to turn it back on when the laughter died down.  While he did find the humor to be pretty funny, they had a job to do.

"You can't argue with the facts you know"  Caveira spoke, approaching him, also disguised as a security guard.  While Y/N found her to be pretty cute in the uniform, he found he liked her best with her facepaint on.

"Yeah, I know I know."  Y/N retorted, earning a playful slug in the arm from his girlfriend.  "Let's just focus on the task at hand?"

"Agreed"  Caveira nodded.  Y/N and Caveira stuck together, performing sweeps of the 2nd floor, while Ash, Mozzie and Mute did the same for the ground floor, though Y/N was certain they wanted to take the ground floor because that's where the bar was, and being honest, he could go for a drink.  "I know what you're thinking"  Caveira spoke, breaking the half-hour streak of silence between them.

"You ALWAYS know what I'm thinking"  Y/N smirked.  Caveira shrugged.

"True.  But I know, right now, you want a drink"  she spoke matter-of-factly.

"Oh, but do you know what drink I feel like?"  he rebounded, earning a smirk from her.

"You're usual:  sweet rum with lime"  she smirked.  "Checkmate"

"Well played"  he chuckled, throwing his arm around her shoulders and drawing her in close.  She instantly grew red at the contact.

"Babe, not now!  We have work to do!"  she hissed lightly, but still melted into him.  Smiling, Y/N caught a glance of something over her shoulder.  A man.  A man acting suspiciously.  Y/N watched as the man entered a small room, bearing a briefcase, and disappeared behind the door.  Slowly, he let go of Caveira, who cocked her head in confusion.  "What?"  she asked, looking to where Y/N was looking.

"I think we found our targets"  Y/N informed, slowly making his way to the door the man just went through.  Nodding, Caveira commed the team.

"Guys, I think we found him.  2nd floor, above the arcade"  she radioed.

"There's an arcade?"  Y/N asked, getting a bit excited.  Sighing, Caveira gave him a light slap on the cheek.

"Focus"  the commanded, taking the lead towards the door, Y/N in tow.

"Copy that, moving to your location"  Ash responded.  "Mozzie, Mute, with me".  Y/N heard Mozzie grumble in the background, sounding like he was in the middle of a drink.  'Lucky' he thought.  He and Caveira made their way to the door, pressing their ears against it.

"This is everything boss"  someone said from the other side of the door.

"Everything functional?"  the presumed 'boss' asked.

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