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-3rd person POV-

Caveira didn't say a word as she grabbed her tray from the mess hall, and sat at her normal table.  Her tablemates were speechless at what she had done to herself, and were hoping that the hair dye was not permanent.  After a few minutes, Capitao broke the silence.

"Going for a new look?"  he asked.  Caveira eyed him, setting down her spoon.

"I'm not in a great mood right now Capitao"  she warned, earning a surrender from Capitao.  Across the mess hall, Y/N was just getting over his initial reaction to his girlfriend's change.  He had hoped that a single tattoo would be as far as she'd go, however, she had just gone out and gotten a beanie, as well as teal streaks in her hair.  He sighed, letting his head fall into his hands.

"I take it you were in the dark with this?"  Valkyrie asked as Y/N sighed.

"Completely.  We had a talk after she came back yesterday with a tattoo-"

"She has a tattoo!?"  Ash nearly shrieked in surprise.  Y/N nodded, lightly slapping his upper right arm.

"Black and white Jolly Roger, right here"  he mentioned.  The whole table sat dumbfounded, pondering about how to take in Caveira's new look.

"I guess there's no other way around it"  Montange spoke up.  "She's going emo"  Upon hearing that, Y/N slammed his fist onto the table, loud enough that the whole mess hall, Caveira included, was staring at their table.  Taking a deep breath, Y/N spoke in a dangerous tone to Montange:

"You ever say that again, Monty, and I swear it'll be that last thing you ever say"  he spoke, glaring daggers.  The GIGN shieldsman gulped and nodded, quickly apologizing for his assumption. 

"Caveira, just please talk to us?"  Jackal asked.  Caveira growled at him in response, telling him to back off.

"Cav, we care about you.  We just want to make sure you're doing alright"  Capitao spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder, in which she shrugged off almost instantaneously. 

"I just lost my father, one of the closest people I have to me besides you and Y/N, so no, Capitao, I'm not doing alright, and right now, I just want to be left alone!"  With that, she got up, tossing the rest of her breakfast in the garbage, and stormed out of the mess hall, wiping away some of her tears.  She just wanted to be in Y/N's arms right now, however, she knew that he would have a talk with her about her new style before that happened.  She quickly made her way to her room, shutting the door rather forcefully, before flopping down onto her bed.  There, she let her tears run.  She would admit that she had slipped into a slightly emo phase, as she overheard Montange speak of, but she felt she needed the slacked line that came with it.  She knew both the tattoo and the teal streaks were permanent, but she figured she'd worry about those later, when she got her emotions in check.  Sighing, she took off her beanie and tossed it onto her dresser.  Stepping into the bathroom, she peered into the mirror, observing her new hairstyle.  It was still mostly black, but the teal color was abundant, creating a vibrant color combination that she found rather good-looking.  Sighing, she exited the bathroom, and sat back down on her bed, when she heard a knock on her door.  "Go away!"  she called to whoever it was.

"Cavy, it's me"  Y/N spoke from the other side.  Feeling slightly better that Y/N was here, Caveira got off her bed and opened her door, letting him in.  After he shut the door, she let out a sigh.

"I know what you're gonna say"  she said before Y/N had the chance to speak.  Y/N sighed.

"Cav, I..."  Y/N trailed off, not knowing what to say.  Fortunately, he didn't have to, as Caveira spoke for him.

"I get it, Y/N, you're upset at me.  I dug myself deeper into an emo phase, I know."  Caveira sighed, once again, flopping down onto her bed.  She made a mental note to avoid doing that so often.

"I know, and I am a bit disheveled, but I know why you did"  Y/N spoke, sitting down on Caveira's bed next to her.

"Of course you do.  I'm trying to get over my dead father"  Caveira smirked, staring up at the ceiling.  Y/N shook his head.

"No.  Not exactly, at least"  he spoke.  Caveira sat up, looking at him with a confused look on his face.

"Then...why?"  she asked him.

"Because, you're emotions are out of check right now, so you make some questionable decisions.  Trust me, I've been there"  Y/N said, softly.  Caveira raised an eyebrow.

"You went emo?"  she asked, stunned.  Y/N shook his head.

"I came very close" he mentioned, taking off his t-shirt, revealing his chiseled abs and pecks.  Caveira found herself mesmerized by his build, questioning why she hadn't ever seen his bare chest yet.  "Cav?"  Y/N snapped his fingers, drawing Caveira back to reality.

"What?  Sorry, you just look so good"  she complimented.  Y/N chuckled.

"Thanks"  he spoke.  "Anyway, after I lost my mother, I didn't know what to do, as I was alone through it.  So I made some questionable decisions"  with that, Y/N turned around, revealing his back to Caveira, who gasped at the sight.  On his right shoulderblade, Y/N bore a rather frightening looking tiger tattoo, ranging from the tip of his shoulder to down by his lower back.

"Holy-"  Caveira was at a loss for words, running her fingers up and down the tattoo.  Slowly, Y/N put his shirt back on, and turned back around to face Caveira.

"After I got the tattoo, I became very closed off.  I wouldn't talk to anyone."  Y/N shrugged.

"How did you come around?"  Caveira asked, quietly.

"Remember that psychiatrist who helped me and my friend work out our differences?"  Y/N asked his girlfriend, who rested her head on his shoulder.


"Well, before he did that for me and my buddy, he helped me out of my slump."  Y/N wrapped his arm around Caveira, pulling her closer to him, to which she obliged. 

"How?"  Caveira asked, promoting Y/N.

"Well, slowly but surely, he got me back into my daily routine:  working out, going to meals, shooting, driving-"

"Driving?"  Caveira interrupted.  Y/N chuckled.

"Our unit was required to know how to drive and operate an M1 Abrams."  Y/N explained, making Caveira chuckle nervously.

"So you know how to drive a tank?"  she asked.  Y/N nodded.

"More or less.  Anyway, as I got back into my daily routine, I came out of my slump.  Sure, I still miss my mother like crazy, but once I got myself up and going again, I was able to pull myself back together.  Which is why I want to do that with you"  Y/N spoke, giving Caveira's shoulder a gentle squeeze.  Caveira sighed and looked over at Y/N.

"I just don't feel like I'm ready to get back into the swing of things"  she mumbled.  Y/N chuckled.

"Getting yourself up and going is the most difficult part.  You need drive"  Caveira eyed Y/N.

"I have drive, idiota."  Caveira hissed slightly.

"Then use it.  Use it to get out of this slump, and this phase.  I speak for everyone when I say I miss the old Caveira."  At that, Caveira looked over to Y/N, wearing a funny look on her face.

"Even when I threaten them on a daily basis?"  she asked.  Y/N laughed, resting his chin onto Caveira's head as she nustled into his neck.

"Even then.  Believe it or not, you're well respected, and well liked.  We only want the best for you, babe"  Y/N spoke.  He felt Caveira nod into his neck, and he smiled.  "So whaddya say?  Let's get you back into the swing of things?"  Y/N asked.  Slowly, Caveira nodded.

"Just hold me for a bit first"  she ordered.  "I like this".  Y/N laughed to himself as Caveira snuggled in closer to him.  He wrapped his other arm around her, and held her close as she dozed off.

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