Doc's News

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-3rd Person POV-

Y/N and Caveira jogged down to Doc's office, trying to pull on their tops on the way down.  They had just finished "having some fun" in the shower, and had just got out when Doc had called the two of them down, saying it was urgent.  They had quickly pulled on shorts and shoes, Caveira also throwing on a sports bra, and ran out of their room, pulling on their shirts on the way down.  Multiple times, they had almost crashed into everything from walls to other operators.  Y/N actually did bump into Tachanka on the way down, but one look at the two, and the russian lord knew exactly what they had been up to.  After getting him to swear to secrecy, Y/N and Caveira made their way into Doc's office, busting in without knocking, and breathing heavily as they entered.  Looking at the pair, Doc raised an eyebrow.

"...Did I interrupt something?"  he asked, watching as the two caught their breath.

""  Y/N replied.  Doc smirked.

"Well, due to the fact that you're both panting like dogs that ran a marathon in Florida, as well as both of your shirts are either inside-out or backwards, I'd say otherwise"  he spoke, chuckling. 

"...We had just finished"  Caveira admitted, earning a raised eyebrow look of embarrassment from Y/N.  "What?"  she smirked, looking at Y/N.  "We're dating.  Most of them know we do the deed"

"ANYWAY"  Doc spoke, loudly, reading over a clipboard.  "We got the results from that container that Finka brought in from your mission a few weeks ago".  He led them into the lab section of Doc's office, standing at one side of a small table, which had various corked test tubes, all containing a light, translucent yellow-ish substance.

"And?"  Caveira prompted, anxiously.  Doc sighed.

"It's a mind control substance"  he spoke flatly.  "Intake enough of it, and you're under the full control of whoever gave it to you"

"With a side effect that switches people's bodies?"  Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.  Doc nodded.

"Unsure how exactly it works yet, but we now know what exactly it does.  Or, more precisely, what it's meant to do"  he spoke.  Slowly, Y/N and Caveira nodded.

"Thank you Doc"  Caveira spoke, saluting him, Y/N doing the same.  Doc nodded, smiling at them as they took their leave.

"Well...that's a way to end a good time"  Y/N spoke, trying to lighten the mood, to which Caveira growled.

"Those idiotas wanted to control us!"  she spoke, loudly.  "They wanted to use us as weapons!"  she shouted, punching the wall once, and wincing at the contact.  Y/N immediately drew her in for a hug, letting her head rest on his chest.

"Hey hey, it's okay.  They didn't get what they want"  he soothed, rubbing small circles on her back to calm her down.

"But they ALMOST did!"  she spoke up, resting against Y/N's chest.  "That's what's scary"

"Which is why we will destroy the masks"  Y/N promised, holding her close, and began walking with her to the gun range, in which Y/N knew helps Caveira relax.

"We must,"  she hissed.  Y/N felt her grip on him tighten, clinging onto him with no sign of letting go anytime soon.  They entered the range, and set up two stalls, one for each of them.  As Y/N was loading up his MP7, he heard the faint pop of Caveira's Luison, being fired at a pretty rapid rate.  When the rounds ceased, and the red light in her stall went to green, Y/N looked over to her, to see her holding a sour face, leaning against the wall of her stall.

"You okay?"  he asked the Brazilian.  Caveira just shrugged, and pulled a magazine out of her pocket, and slipped it into her Luison.  She switched her range status to "hot", and proceeded to rapidly fire all 13 rounds in no more than 3 seconds.  A few seconds later, she was back in her original position, leaning against the wall, arms folded, and looking sourly into the air.

"Was there a point in time where you questioned this fight?"  she randomly blurted out after a few seconds.  Y/N peeked over into her stall, eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?"  he asked her, setting his own stall to "safe".  Caveira shrugged.

"With everything that's been going on, I mean, within the last few months, the only incident we had with the masks was that weapons-dealing bust"  she spoke, still gazing at the industrial-style ceiling of the indoor shooting range.  "Before then, their attacks were becoming...minimal.  In every sense"

"Yeah, that makes sense"  Y/N nodded, leaning against the opposite wall of her stall.  "In all honesty, I have actually questioned this fight.  The masks' attacks have been, how can I put this, sloppy, at best."

"Almost non-existent"  Caveira supplied.  "Just the occasional conflict that the state armed forces or even the feds can handle"  she shrugged, reholstering her Luison.  "Makes me feel...unneeded, ya know"

"Cavy, we all know that's not true"

"Really?  I haven't been able to do what I was primarily recruited to do because there hasn't been someone to interrogate in months!"  she complained, blowing a raspberry and rapping her nails on the stall's countertop.  "I fear I may have lost my touch"


"Excuse me?"

"Bullshit.  No matter what happens, Cavy, you will always be able to interrogate someone with the same effectiveness as the last time.  Wanna know why?"  Caveira cocked her head, and folded her arms.

"Inform me"

"It's because what you learned is not a skill.  A skill is something anyone, with enough practice, confidence, patience and drive can achieve.  What you have is a gift.  A gift that is unique to you, and you alone, and is something that can never be taken away or diminished.  Heck, your grandmother passed it down to you"

"How'd you know that?"  Caveira spoke fast, gripping her Luison.  Y/N sighed.

"You kinda talk in your sleep sometimes"  he informed, raising his hands some.  "Please don't shoot".  Caveira smirked and released her hand from her waist.

"What other things have I said?" 

"Well, you've said how you hate it here a few times-"

"That's true.  You make it bearable though"  she smiled lightly, planting a kiss on his cheek.  Y/N smiled and continued his list.

"You mentioned how hot I was a few times-"

"No arguments here"

"Something about soccer?"

"My dad was obsessed and tried to get me into it"  Caveira responded, rolling her eyes some.

"And..."  Y/N trailed off.

"And?"  Caveira prompted, rolling her hand in a 'go on' motion.  Y/N sighed.

"Something about robbing a bank?"  he asked, looking straight into her eyes.  He saw the slight pain in them, and heard her sigh, looking down.  "Cavy?"

"I did"  she spoke lightly, sighing.

"You robbed a bank?"

"It wasn't my best moment, okay!?"  she lashed out, rubbing her upper arm.  She sighed again, and sat down, leaning against the range stall.  "My family was in need of money, so I went for the easiest way to get some.  Strangely enough, that's how I got into BOPE."

"They liked the way you robbed a bank?"  Y/N asked, sitting down next to her.

"No no no"  Caveira cleared up.  "It was either BOPE or prison".  She took a moment to wipe her tears.  "Since then, every paycheck I get from here and BOPE, I send half of it my family's way.  I'm not sure if they even get it though"  she sighed, leaning up against Y/N. 

"Hey, I'm sure they do, and are very grateful for it"  Y/N assured, hugging her back.

"I'm sorry for just dumping this on you, meu amor.  After finding out about that chemical, and then recalling what happened, I just-"

"Babe, trust me, it's alright"  Y/N promised, kissing her on the cheek.  "Let's not worry about it, alright?"


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