Page 7
Panel 1.
Upper body shot of a golden-blood-stained Moloch, who has picked up the body of Samael. Its huge palm is open, facing upward, and the body of Samael is draped across his palm like a limp cloth doll. Solid trickles of golden blood stream down Moloch's wrist and between his fingers. Because of the lifeless helm that Moloch wears, it has a very creepy feel to it, like a child who has maimed an animal and just staring blankly at the hurt it caused.
SATAN (OP): Goodbye brother.
Panel 2.
Tall panel of a body shot of Satan. We cannot see his feet, and there is a little bit of space above his head in the panel. He is standing, arms crossed, a smile on his face, a picture of beauty. The entirety of the panel behind him is a smorgasbord of demonic bodies, like eager fans crawling over each other to meet a celebrity, but each fan is an incredibly warped monster of limbs and teeth, bone and gristle. They are smashed together in discomfort, piled high behind their leader, but the whole panel seems claustrophobic, that even though Satan is in a position of power, he is still trapped amongst all this horror.
SATAN: Give your regards to Chaos for me.
Panel 3.
We've moved to the edge of Hell. There is a cliff edge, sudden and steep into the darkness below that represents the truest primordial base of all existence. The Abyss. We are hovering in the darkness looking down at the ground leading up to the edge. There is no vegetation, just dark red and black rock. In the far distance, we can see pillars of fire to help give us a sense of scale. Moloch is walking to the edge, Samael in hand. Golden blood trails behind him in an almost pretty pattern, the gold against the dark rock. Samael is weakly pleading, but words are pointless. Can Moloch even understand?
SAMAEL: P... Please...
Panel 4.
We are above Moloch, looking down on him from a great height so we can get a sense of the scope of this area. Like the sea bed at the lip of the Mariana trench. The red cracked rock gives way to an endless black. Moloch, an absurdly large demon, is miniscule standing there with arm outstretched, as the edge of Hell extends in a gentle curve for miles, heading off panel. The tiny angel Moloch is holding over the abyss is merely a spec of white against the mass of black. The sense of something far greater than anything known lurks below.
NARRATOR: Neither heaven nor hell could forgive my neutrality.
NARRATOR: And so, I saw the place of all beginnings and the endings.
Panel 5.
A single white feather, a little droplet of blood on it, floating against an entirely dark panel, representing Samael and his final descent into the deep and endless dark.
Pseudanthium: A Comic Script
FantasyHow did Death get his Scythe? A fallen angel changes the course of the universe through a simple act of kindness, but suffers eternal consequences. Now as the physical manifestation of "the end", Death must navigate human history, supported by a lar...