Julia Vs Alan

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Julia and Alan were playing a video game the game is called Wii Sports.

"So Julia what game should we play?" Alan asked.

"I know let's play boxing."


[On tv round 1 fight]

They started fighting Julia was very competitive.

Sonic and friends came to watch them play.

"Is that boxing." Monty asked.

"I have played that game before."

"But Pandora keeps beating me at this game."

"Aw yeah I'm the ultimate boxer these mortals can't even beat me." said Pandora.

It a tough game the time did run out.

[On tv round 2 fight]

"Round 2 wow Julia is tough she's hard to beat."

"She has gaming experience." said Amy.

"She has playing video games since she was 7. said Tails.

"She has." said Alan.

"Dang she's fast."

When time ran out.

[On tv final round fight]

"Wow Julia has knock him out at round 1 Alan has knocked her out in round 2 then he tried to her out in round 1."

"This is going to take a while."

Julia knocked him out but he got up.

When time ran out there was decision they both scored 2 points it was tie game.

"You win." Julia and Alan said together.

"This game ends in a tie." said Sonic.

"Now what?" Knuckles asked.

It was tie game at least they had fun.

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