Eggette Refuses To Go To School

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One morning Eggette was asleep in her bed her cousin Susie came to wake her up.

"Come on Eggette it's time for school." said Susie.

"But I don't want to go." said Eggette.

"You have to go to school you need education you get 2 week break from school on Christmas 1 week off on spring break and 3 months off in the summer."

"You have to go or else you're going to be late."

"There's no way you can make me."

"Come on Eggette I'm fed up with having a huge arguments from every week now get up."

Eggette growled in anger.

"That's stupid I'm going to elementary with those dump stereotypical teachers and students."

Eggette was struggling to get her sock on her foot.

"Come on Eggette we're going to be late for school."

Then her sock ripped.

"Forget it dad and Susie I'm not going to school."

"Well she's going to be grounded when Susie gets home from school." said Dr. Eggman.

At school her friend had a talk with Susie.

"Where's your cousin Eggette?"

"She refuses to go to school today she will be grounded when I get home."

"Yeah I bet your uncle will be arrested for that."

"He would if Eggette refuses to go school again tomorrow."

At home Eggette was lying in bed.

"At least I don't go to school with these bunch of idiots I think I'm going to take a nap."

"Eggette I'm going to work don't do anything so stupid and Metal Sonic is in charge."

"Okay Dad."

In the classroom.

"Good morning class I hope you all had a nice weekend but where's Eggette Robotnik is she suppose to be at school today."

"Yeah we must scared her off did we Giana." said Matt.

"Yeah I think Eggette must been off sick."

Sometime later.

Dr. Eggman and Susie came home.

"Hi Susie how was school today."



"Eggette I can't believe you were skipping school that's it you're grounded for 2 weeks no tv and no video games."

"Shut up dad I'm never going back to school again!"

She hit her dad and ran off to her room.

"That is not very nice to be behave Eggette I can't believe you're giving up school now I'm going to be arrested because of you!"

Eggette just slammed the door.

"Eggette is such a naughty girl."

"Yeah I enjoy school especially I hang around with my best friend Trina at breaktime."

Lesson: do not skip school.

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